Jul 5, 2018 18:59
squints at cable … not sure if M or abominable kerning
Apr 17, 2017 17:47
Do they even have proof of the "went viral" or "record media coveragew bits? Also they should have used vector waves, that sounds more like something fantastical :p
Apr 14, 2017 09:28
@9ilsdx9rvj0lo Except people put their ideas and worldviews into their creations, but generally not their body parts. You can debate wether that affects business like it does art, though.
Apr 7, 2017 06:39
I agree with simplicity for the most part, but… i also worry that the less exposure to "complicated" words the public has, the more words people feel bad about writing, there seems to be the potential for a downward spiral of literacy here :/
Apr 6, 2017 10:06
Any security in a 4 digit PIN is probably going to come from the issuer being willing to lock out the pin after a probably single digit number of attempts. Therefore my intent is to avoid the first couple things an attacker would try. Avoiding encoded data about self like birthdays is probably more important than patterns.
Jan 27, 2017 18:38
Borderless Fullscreen alss plays a /lot/ nicer with multiple monitor setups than normal fullscreen, while letting you use all the pixels on one monitor for a game.
Jan 12, 2017 13:28
They have these in elite:dangerous. In that setting, all sensors are thermal-based so ejecting a hot thing while cooling yourself can decoy/mask your signature.