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Oct 12, 2017 18:34
So they coincide, but how do I establish the homeomorphism between them?
Oct 12, 2017 18:32
@TobiasKildetoft Right, so this contradicts the maximality of m
Oct 12, 2017 18:20
I is an R-ideal
Oct 12, 2017 18:17
So we let R be a commutative ring with identity and let S = 1 + I be a multiplicatively closed set. I'm trying to establish a homeomorphism between m-spec(S^{-1}R) and m-spec(R/I). It seems relatively clear that there is a bijection between these sets, but I'm struggling with defining such a function so that I can show the homeomorphism.
So it seems that they both share a bijection with V(I) intersect with m-spec(R), where V(I) denotes all the prime ideals containing the ideal I. I think I can construct a homeomorphism from this intersection to m-spec(R/I), but the struggle is really showin
Oct 12, 2017 18:09
Hey all, I have a quick commutative algebra question
Sep 4, 2017 21:34
I have a bit of a silly question. If x is in a module M, then it's clear that xM is a subset of M, right?
Dec 4, 2016 21:03
Can someone explain Eisenstein's criteria?