2018 Moderator Election Chatroom

This is where users and candidates can interact in a construct...
Aug 1, 2018 23:24
Is there a metametamathstackexchange devoted to questions about metamathstackexchange?


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Jan 21, 2017 21:59
@Socrates You need to assume that for positive A and negative B, A>0 B<0 and A>B. For any positive A you can find a smaller positive A'=A/2 and for any negative B you can find a larger B'=B/2. Then since 0/2=0 you get 0>0 and 0<0 giving contradictions in both cases
Jan 21, 2017 21:37
@hawk If you observe that 2Z is the set of "even integers" and 2Z+1 is the set of "odd integers" then it's easy to see how the equations hold
Jan 21, 2017 20:45
ok it's working now
Jan 21, 2017 20:43
I'm still seeing the raw code
Jan 21, 2017 20:43
Latex is not compiling in this chat