Ifusaso 'he-him'

Apr 1, 2024 21:05
I'm very curious about your conversation where the GM stated you couldn't change their mind. That definitely sounds like it's been home-ruled; they probably had some Cleric Pray their BBEG away or abuse it in a different way (e.g. making repeated requests for the same thing out of combat until they got it) in a different game or something. As stated before, the reason it matters is that any RAW way to improve the ability will probably also be the target of the GM's distaste.
Apr 1, 2024 21:05
I mean... technically yes. But you'd have to be pretty well out of other options to even try. Hence essentially. And 1/1,000,000 goes way beyond the scope of the word 'difficult'.
Apr 1, 2024 21:05
It sounds like your GM is either misreading the ability or homeruling it to be much less reliable. We'll need to know which; we can answer if there is a RAW way to increase the chances, but if you GM is actively making it (essentially) nonfunctional, they probably won't accept any method of making it more reliable.
Mar 9, 2021 21:30
I'm just going to compose the opposite answer and let the community decide; comments aren't for trying to convince other members to change their stance.
Mar 9, 2021 21:30
Disregard everything, I found the text that says this answer is actually correct with caveats here
Mar 9, 2021 21:30
(2/2) be backed by other evidence showing expertise.
Mar 9, 2021 21:30
*this answer was incorrect as of when I originally commented; I have not thoroughly processed its current iterration
Mar 9, 2021 21:30
As far as I can tell, there is a very different mindset driving the two schools of thought; one believes that the Cohort is an NPC that the player is allowed to have while the other considers it an actual feature of the character that chose Leadership. RAW, the first is correct; suggesting that the Cohort should be used by the 'owning' player as an exception does not remove the other facets of it being an NPC, but also it's a lot of extra work for the GM and players will appreciate more control usually. In the end, it's table variance... but this answer is incorrect RAW, so it needs to (1/2)
Dec 7, 2020 18:58
I don't necessarily agree with that... this is asking about system-wide changes rather than specific rule (skills, in this case) changes. We do have successful similar questions, however. I feel like clarification of what a toolset rules vs rigid rules entails could be called for... but you give clear expectations for an answer so I don't know how to further explain that.
Dec 7, 2020 18:58
We may have better luck if we change it to "how does early 3rd edition compare to 3.5e" or "how does early 3rd edition compare to late 3rd edition" instead of leading questions with the toolset/rigid comparison. I would leave it in the question for context, but take it out of the actual question.
Dec 7, 2020 18:58
This could be helped if @SevenSidedDie were to post his source for that comment (which has gotten 6 upvotes, so apparently others agree with them?). I think this is difficult to impossible to answer without context.
Jun 9, 2020 13:59
If I could make one (small) recommendation; I'd remove the "limits imposed" portion of the question title. As written, the only "true" answer is "Yes, because you're asking about limitaitons" but there are subtleties that make make that a false positive. Or more accurately, rephrase it "Do the limits imposed ... make Wizards a downgrade". It's somewhat semantics, but it opens the question up to a Yes or No.
May 23, 2020 23:59
Slightly unrelated but worth bringing up; have you already verified with your GM (assuming this will be a real game) that the Multiclassing optional rule is available to you?
Feb 12, 2020 00:36
Just to chime in, it wasn't that I thought the core of the question was invalid. That's why I chose to VTC for lack of details vs. opinion based. I've seen a large number of questions relating to strength that fall into chaos when it's unclear if a user cares more about Tiers or damage, Roleplay or Rollplay, etc. We might be able to definitively say one build or the other is stronger, but there would always be a foil to disproved that approach without parameters to guide us.
Jan 15, 2020 22:11
Hence my not realizing exactly how many d6 he rolled (it seemed like more in my memory) but I know he kept up with an archer in damage. Granted, maybe he did play it wrong by misreading the material. I feel like he and the GM would have noticed, though.
Jan 15, 2020 22:10
Outstanding meaning still in progress. The SE term "unanswered" was eluding me. I was another player in the campaign with that Kine, so I was not privy to their sheet but know that player generally plays to the rules so if they did anything wrong it was just that, but I give them the benefit of the doubt. There was another campaign with a Kine that was severely altered (everybody was) but I avoided including information from that character.
Jan 15, 2020 20:14
draw more attention toward outstanding questions.
Jan 15, 2020 20:14
I'm a little confused by the hombrewed coment because the question is about hombrew, but I assume my experiences were with people who read and applied Kine rules appropriately. I will admit I misread the Utility level requirements, and hastily mistyped about their actual damage (experience nonwithstanding). I will also note I haven't played one myself. I do hope someone with more direct experience can help, and it's been my experience with SE that not having an answer helps
Jan 15, 2020 14:14
Yeah it's clearly drawing more downvotes than upvotes so the community (and you) disagree with my assessments. I don't have anything further to defend it. Feel free to include any portion you agreed with in your future assessments for your alterations.
Jan 14, 2020 21:30
So in my experience, much of the class's utility (no pun intended) is not associated with the Burn mechanic as a limiter
Jan 14, 2020 21:29
The example that comes to mind is the ability to have fly constantly at level 3 for no cost.
Jan 14, 2020 21:26
The ones that cost Burn can't be reduced by most means, but they emulate many spells that the other classes would have trouble emulating (which is why the class is about Tier 4)e
Jan 14, 2020 21:24
Meanwhile you get your Utility functions (many of which are 0 Burn/passive)
Jan 14, 2020 21:21
The biggest thing with them is that they're Energy Touch Attacks that you can throw all day. No, you will not beat an optimized Barbarian/Fighter/Gunslinger in DPR, but you can definitely make an attempt at keeping up
Jan 14, 2020 21:20
Your basic Wild Blasts (DPR) don't cost anything and you can Empower them without extra cost beginning at level 5 if you can use your Move on Gather Power.
Jan 14, 2020 21:19
Infusions can be part of a Composite Blast so Infusion Specialization lets you do "fun" things with your Wild and Composite Blasts for "free" if you you're high enough level.
Jan 14, 2020 21:18
Not sure if we need this but it seemed like a good idea. If your CON is only +5 at level 10 you're doing something wrong. Kines are S.A.D. on CON, so it should be something like 22-24 by then. Your ranged attacks are Touch. Your Burn is based on HD and CON so it scales basically linearly by level (Every CON you get is +HD Hit Points, +1 Burn capacity)
Jan 14, 2020 21:03
I'm trying to be objective despite my different experience. My experience says that you don't have as much to worry about, but I can see where the class has issues (that same character would sometimes go down in one hit late in the day because they Burned half their health) but I do think the changes proposed are too extreme.
Jan 14, 2020 21:03
Their nova damage was the primary thing, though. A few times a day for a couple Burn in one round they could do more damage in one attack than anyone in the party had health (I know because when they were Dominated around level 10 they dropped my character in one turn).
Jan 14, 2020 21:03
That reminds me I should add that there are some weird interactions with certain abilities, such as the ones that grant Energy Resistance based on Burn taken.
Jan 14, 2020 21:03
@T.Sar-ReinstateMonica Granted, we didn't have any big-bad-damage-machines like a Barbarian or Fighter, but using Gathering Power in combination with the other class features that passively reduce Burn they were able to throw out CON+HDd6 damage easily and usually also caused some other effects such as Bleed or Sickened. They used the Blood Kineticist archetype which we considered generally sub-par but seemed to work.
Dec 6, 2019 21:04
@DewiMorgan I completely disagree. It might be weighted incorrectly from the factory and the player might know (or doesn't want to confirm) that. Or they might have put a lot of work into doing it neatly and don't want to give up the fruits of their labor. It could also be a different style of cheat die.
Nov 2, 2019 10:06
Isn't there another item that allows you to count as a dwarf for all purposes? A belt I thought...
Aug 2, 2019 13:26
I rearranged the question a little bit... I still feel like it's kind of opinion based (but actually "GM Fiat", but I'm unfamiliar if D&D 5e actually has anything for this), but at least now its specifically asking for experience
Aug 2, 2019 01:02
I do think we should clarify what constitutes Major, though? Unfortunately I'm not sure how.
Aug 2, 2019 01:02
It's also worth noting this doesn't have to be answered today. We can come back to it after some people have played through a few levels and familiarized themselves with the official rules.
Jul 19, 2019 16:09
It might be worth referencing the popular web show Critical Role for why this answer works (See: Trinket)
Jun 3, 2019 21:03
Good work, community! This is actually kind of making me want to run next year. I feel like I'll try to grow my activity in Meta first. Guess I'll go there and start asking about it.
Oct 13, 2018 13:27
Near the middle you mention "... she decided to kill the fighter herself." Could you clarify 1) are you talking about the Paladin PC-turned-NPC or someone else and 2) why was non-lethal not an option?
May 5, 2018 00:33
I think this could be valid by just converting it to a [designer-intent] question
May 3, 2018 13:16
Moving on, KRyan. Moving on
May 3, 2018 13:16
Or my other PC that has a bow, spear, and sword and has found a use for all of them, and is a solid middle ground for damage, who is actually optimized for Skill checks.
May 3, 2018 13:15
Well if I could go one comment without being personally attacked, I might be able to tell you/OP about my current PC, who is 16th level, who has 4 different swords that they use in different situations, and a bow in case they need to shoot something(though they usually just fly into melee) and does the most damage out of anyone in the party of at least moderately optimized PC's
May 3, 2018 13:12
And I don't appreciate being dismissed because you can't handle a wider world-view were not every PC is min-maxed
May 3, 2018 13:12
OK well you're expounding on the exact same soapbox, just looking the other way
May 3, 2018 13:10
I know at least a couple of my GM's made it more difficult (but not impossible) to find items that are useful to the players. They did this because Pathfinders PC's are insanely powerful in a group
May 3, 2018 13:09
I'm completely with OP on this... I feel like you have strong opinions about how Pathfinder "should" be played that don't actually mesh with designer intent.
Apr 13, 2018 00:09
This may be closed as off-topic or opinion based. On a personal level, you may want to look at the FATE system; it is very narrative driven (but less on the leveling side of RPG's)
Jul 21, 2017 05:41
RedGeomancer's postscript in this answer has a different point that may be relevant. I don't know how accurate the assertion is, but he indicates that the maximum Ability Scores are 30 because the Ability Score tables don't indicate any continuation above 30. WotC's intent to stat squish could also support this change. Even some of the most powerful creatures such as the Terrasque have 30's or less.
Jul 21, 2017 05:41
Is Manual of Quickness of Action stack-able beyond normal stat bounds? I'm unable to reference at the moment.