Computer Science

General discussion for
Jul 3, 2015 19:57
Even more simply: get good at doing things that could be useful in a number of contexts. You'll create a broad knowledge base to draw from, and be able to reapply existing skills in new ways/contexts.
Jul 3, 2015 19:56
Mostly my recommendation is that you become familiar with many different aspects of CS such that you can pick up something new if necessary. Example: get used to a number of documentation tools, so that if a company you join is using one, you have a relatively shallow learning curve, and already know what purpose such a tool would serve. Same thing goes for other tools like compilers, issue trackers, etc
Jul 3, 2015 19:19
Yeah, no problem
Jul 3, 2015 19:19
Generally, I have enough broad knowledge about how things work in CS that I can relatively quickly pick up a new skill when my work requires it
Jul 3, 2015 19:17
Hopefully that helps
Jul 3, 2015 19:16
You generally pick these up through a CS education, but as always that depends on how much effort you put into it
Jul 3, 2015 19:16
There are probably more, but those are the skills that come to mind
Jul 3, 2015 19:15
This ability stems from higher-level skills, including debugging, communicating, documentation, and research.
Jul 3, 2015 19:15
I can only speak from the perspective of someone who has successfully entered the software development as a self-taught developer; I just finished my first year as an undergraduate, but I held a number of software development positions before electing to go to college. My education prior to working was varied, and the skills I now market center around my ability to quickly pick up a new tool/language/framework.
Jul 3, 2015 19:11
In computer science, a marketable skill isn't necessarily mastery/knowledge of a specific language, but rather higher-level skills you can apply and reuse in many contexts.
Jul 3, 2015 19:10
@StanShunpike "Does a cs course have to be in a marketable language to be of use?" In short, no. You can learn something marketable from any cs course, though you can also learn nothing from any cs course. The marketable skill won't necessarily be directly from the language, but might instead be debugging skills, a better understanding of machine organization, or other so-called marketable skills.

 English Language Learners

A room to talk about English, linguistics, or anything you wan...
Apr 12, 2015 16:28
Have a better morpheme?
Apr 12, 2015 16:28
@StoneyB I got that vibe from an alternate definition
Apr 12, 2015 16:25
I don't really care if such a word exists, I was just wondering if anyone here knew of such a word
Apr 12, 2015 16:22
Apr 12, 2015 16:22
@StoneyB I gave an example usage above
Apr 12, 2015 16:21
It's an owl O.O
Apr 12, 2015 16:15
Was hoping there was a /me
Apr 12, 2015 16:15
Apr 12, 2015 16:15
Apr 12, 2015 16:12
"Nature can also be ascribed value in religious frameworks: a monotheistic god creates the world, and either effectively declares it a work of art, or implies that humankind should assume the role of ruler. Casually, this remains an anthropocentric view, but it does so in the context of a higher power, thus making it monotheistic-god-centric view."
Apr 12, 2015 16:10
not necessarily the only definition
Apr 12, 2015 16:10
Not sure that's what I'm going for
Apr 12, 2015 16:10
monotheocentrism — the assumption that worship of the one God is the only legitimate form of religion
Apr 12, 2015 16:10
How a view could be considered anthropocentric, but instead of pertaining to humans, pertaining to a singular god
Apr 12, 2015 16:09
I'm looking for a word that could be described as "of or pertaining to a monotheistic god'
Apr 12, 2015 16:08
Apr 12, 2015 16:08
It's not pretty but it's the most accurate thing I could come up with
Apr 12, 2015 16:08
@JimReynolds That's what I have written right now
Apr 12, 2015 16:06
@JimReynolds I guess I'm not entirely sure what the difference is
Apr 12, 2015 16:06
@DamkerngT. that seems like an option
Apr 12, 2015 16:05
@MARamezani Hi :D
Apr 12, 2015 15:59
I'm not sure if there is...
Apr 12, 2015 15:57
I found ecclesiastical, but that's more pertaining to church structures and the human aspect of monotheistic religions.
Apr 12, 2015 15:57
Is there a word for monotheistic-god-centric (similar to anthropocentric for humans)?

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
Aug 1, 2012 07:01
Alright, figured it out. And that was the problem...I'll have to figure out how to unblock it.
Aug 1, 2012 06:37
I'm trying to figure out how to temporarily disable the firewall on Avast
Aug 1, 2012 06:37
@Paul Sorry, I'm multitasking a bunch
Aug 1, 2012 06:18
but I don't know how to use it
Aug 1, 2012 06:18
looks like it
Aug 1, 2012 06:18
Aug 1, 2012 06:17
I've run the test enough times in Wireshark to know that I'm not making a typo in the filter
Aug 1, 2012 06:16
But if I try telnet 80, nothing shows up in Wireshark
Aug 1, 2012 06:15
I can see the TCP packet
Aug 1, 2012 06:15
If I try to telnet to, say, my host
Aug 1, 2012 06:15
to see what packets actually get out of the guest
Aug 1, 2012 06:14
I tried running Wireshark
Aug 1, 2012 06:13
The guest's mac address differs from all other networked devices I can see
Aug 1, 2012 06:05
if so, then yes, they are identical.