it worked! good to know for next time. Interesting to note that I had use the same shell the first command was executed in, as the other would give me: "pid 2993 is not a child of this shell"
specifically I am currently transferring files using scp. I want it so that when file transfer 1 is done, file transfer 2 starts. Can I request something like that after transfer 1 was requested?
also, thanks for your answer. I've been reading about it and am slowly understanding exactly what you've. Essentially, we do median of three because we want to get the median, but cant do it really efficiently, so settle on an "approximate" median based on three integers. correct?
Hello, about quicksort median of three: I understand the logic of median of three for an already sorted array: it lets us pick the middle element, and thus avoid the worst case O(n^2). However, why do we do the median of three? What would be the problem with always picking the middle element? what is the advantage in sorting these three values?
specifically, how can one prove that is it not regular, without setting restrictions on |y|? I find myself unable to pick any fitting words that would prove this
hello, I am having some trouble with the pumping lemma for regular languages, specifically for proving that the language $w \in \{a, b\}^∗ : w^R \neq w$ is not regular