Lawrence B. Crowell

Aug 8, 2019 20:44
I saw a web based advert for something like this. It was pointed out to me and my immediate comment was the thermal energy pumped must go somewhere. Normally it is sent outside. I then figured this must just be a fan that blows air over ice or dry ice or something. The actual refrigeration may not be done by this unit.
Aug 6, 2019 15:32
If I understand points 4 and 5 a photon entangled with a photon that enters the 2-slit will exhibit interference. Better to say one observes this with an ensemble of such entangled photons. As indicated above Lanza, who I am not familiar with, is associated with Chopra and Goswami. These two know a thing or two about QM, and can state some things correctly. However, they then launch into ideas that are off-center with physics. I urge caution with respect to either of these two men.