Jan 24 20:04
If you want the snap to work with files stored on the network, you'll need to make the necessary connection with snap connect notepad-plus-plus:network. I didn't try that, but that should work, please try yourself.
Oct 6, 2024 19:18
However, for the future: run a find-command always without the -delete-action first to see which files would get deleted. After checking you can run the find-command with the -delete-action.
Oct 6, 2024 19:18
The command you provide in your question shouldn't have done anything to your files, instaed you shoud have got the error message find: unknown predicate -CapCut'`.
Mar 13, 2024 09:11
You could download the appimage provided by balena to avoid dependency problems.
Sep 9, 2023 20:52
@Raffa I guess mount -t ntfs3 uses wrong mount option. It should be either mount -t ntfs or mount -t ntfs3g.
Sep 9, 2023 20:52
Looks like you have write permission for that folder but no read permission. Please also provide output of ls -ld /media/user/easystore/Family
Jan 23, 2023 01:45
This seems also to be a duiplicate of your previous question.
Oct 30, 2022 20:34
You can't delete /.snapshot since it is a mountpoint for your system-partition which should not be the case. We don't know what happened to your system, looks like something went horribly wrong. I suggest you reinstall the OS.
Oct 30, 2022 20:27
Something seems to be horribly wrong with your system. Your /-partition should not be mounted on several mountpoints like /home, /root, /var and /.snapshots.
Sep 24, 2019 16:52
And what was the command you used to get this?
Aug 26, 2019 20:17
The question you tried to answer is protected, so you have to have at least 11 reputation points which you didn't have at the time you posted the answer. Question about problems with AU and how to use this site belong here on meta, AU is only for question about the OS, that's why this question was migrated.
Aug 26, 2019 20:17
I think this might be the reason. You suddenly got some reputation points due to your question, people read your question, open your profile, check your answers and , if appropriate, upvoted some of them, so did I and I'm sure, others.
Jun 4, 2019 13:38
See my answer in askubuntu.com/questions/1073492/… , it explains how to convert legacy to efi boot-mode without reinstalling the system.
Jun 4, 2019 13:38
Something seems to be wrong with the method you use to burn your USB-stick. I'd suggest to boot to Ubuntu, open a terminal and type sudo apt install usb-creator-gtk and then use it to burn one more time. Which version of Ubuntu do you use?
Nov 28, 2018 14:35
I think the partition must be mounted somewhere under /media to make it work. The solution @Norbert suggested will do the same as the GUI method. But you mount your partition under /DATA, so it's not seen as removable.
Nov 28, 2018 14:35
@FakenameBill Yes, and if you read the linked question carefully you will see the solution in the question itself, so if you need to use a snap in the future, you will know how to adjust the permission for a snap.
Nov 28, 2018 14:35
Oct 8, 2018 12:30
Run boot-repair again and create boot-info-summary, add link to the report to your question.
Oct 28, 2017 11:40
I guess you have more things on your to-do list, so I think we stop the discussion at this point, perhaps we meet another day here on AskUbuntu. I read a lot here and stumbled about your name many times. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with the community, I wish I could help as much as you...
Oct 28, 2017 11:23
If the script works as intended in plain Ubuntu, then you don't need to bother, for myself this is not important. UbuntuStudio is based on xfce, so that might be the point. I'm just here to learn a bit as I switched from Windows to UbuntuStudio about a year ago and I am still a newcomer, but totally happy with my decision. Thanks so far...
Oct 28, 2017 11:13
I was to fast with the last comment, the window does not disappear anymore, but now it stay always on top of other windows.
Oct 28, 2017 11:11
Now the Window will stay allways on top.
Oct 28, 2017 11:11
wmctrl was not installed, so I installed it. The window is is listed with 0x03400003 -1 MookPC PortraitonMyDesktop and stay listed even when the Window disappeared.
Oct 28, 2017 11:11
Amazing, I just tried your script on UbuntuStudio and it worked so far. Small caveat: as soon as I left-click somewhere on the Desktop the image disappears, the script is still running though. But this is probably related to the different DE. No need to improve the script if works on plain Ubuntu, I was just curious if it would work on my system too, upvoted... Have a nice day!
May 29, 2017 21:28
I myself use iptables with default configuration, trusting the built in firewall in my router. The router blocks all incoming connections, only the forwarded ports are a hole. But I have a single machine, no local network and such things, so for me it is ok.
May 29, 2017 21:23
I found some interesting links you should look at: askubuntu.com/questions/917575/… askubuntu.com/questions/45072/… askubuntu.com/questions/97158/… Hope this helps you a bit...
May 29, 2017 21:20
This way you have a bit more security than just with unconfigured iptables, as iptables will allow any traffic through any ports by default. With ufw configured described above you block all incoming connections exept to the ports you define with ufw, that's better than nothing. If you leave ufw configured following the guide you used you will probably have more problems with other applications.
May 29, 2017 21:15
Use `"sudo ufw reset" this will disable ufw and reset ufw to defaults, allow all outgoing, deny all incoming connections. Enable ufw again and add the rule for transmission, "sudo ufw allow 51413" to allow incoming connections on the port. I recommend to reboot the machine as iptables rules get cluttered without a reboot.
May 29, 2017 21:09
@spaceout As far as I understand and as far as I tested things out, we can use ufw to allow or deny connetions (in/out) and specify used IP-protcols. But we can not define which applications are allowed to access the ports, ufw is not a application level firewall like firewalls for Windows. If you want to use ufw further on, I'd recommend to reset ufw to defaults.
May 29, 2017 15:41
@spaceout I will try more later on and let you know if I get something nice.
May 29, 2017 15:38
@spaceout The problem here is that transmission seem to use random ports, so we would have to allow all ports for outgoing connections. At least for this application, I tried to do that, but not successful yet.
May 29, 2017 15:35
Because you restricted incoming and outgoing connections with your default settings in ufw following the guide with sudo ufw default deny incoming && sudo ufw default deny outgoing. you will have to explicitely allow outgoing connections for each application. On some ports you allowed outgoing connections, but not on the ports trasmission want to use.
May 29, 2017 15:29
@spaceout An outcoing connection is initialized from your machine. It is similar to phone calls, somebody calls you (incoming) and as soon as you accept the call you can speak and listen.
May 29, 2017 15:26
@spaceout I'm going to try out more, but it will take time, at the moment I have some torrents running with qbittorrent, so it will take some time.The main point is connectivity, so it is the best if we can have incoming and outgoing connections. At the moment I see peers that I'm seeding to which are connected via incoming connection. Tthe data-flow goes in both direction as soon as the connection is establish. Incoming connection just means that the connection is initialized from outside.
May 29, 2017 15:16
@spaceout It appears that it is not going to work, at least not with the restrictive defaults you set. With files in /etc/ufw/applications.d we can manage only incoming connections. The only way is to reset ufw to defaults sudo ufw reset and add the rule for incoming connections ` sudo ufw allow 51413`. Not everything is possible with ufw, For more complicated setups you will have to use iptables.
May 29, 2017 15:16
@spaceout Try sudo ufw allow out app transmission, be aware of case sensitivity, you must use the app-name you specified in /etc/ufw/applications.d. If this does not work use the extended format described in man ufw which is ufw allow from to any app <name>, you will have to check your local IP-adress for the correct value, in this example it is the IP-range from to You could also restrict to a single IP-adress. Upvoted your question because you are not lazy to research.
May 29, 2017 15:16
@spaceout I see, Transmission attempts to use outgoing connections with random port numbers. Try to add another rule sudo ufw allow out transmission-gtk, this should allow outgoing connections on any port only for transmission. Don't forget to reload ufw after adding the rule and check if this helps. This are the obstacles of a restrictive firewall...
May 29, 2017 15:16
This simple command will add rules for UPD and TCP. That Transmission is not uploading is normally not a problem, I have that often. Mostly the reason is that there are just no interested peers, and that is nothing you can change with the settings in your machine. Observe that first to get experience.
Apr 29, 2017 05:00
@Sumeet I'm glad it worked for you too. It was quiet hard to find, so the delay of three hours, Mostly we find outdated information when looking for solutions for a brand new release. But a nice opportunity to try a different distro. I will stick with UbuntuStudio 16.04 (comes with xfce).
Apr 28, 2017 19:21
I upvoted your question for your quick and responsive reactionand your patience, there was also no reason to downvote for anybody in my eyes...
Apr 28, 2017 19:08
Sorry, it took some time, but I got some results and posted an answer, hope it is helpful.
Apr 28, 2017 14:59
Download completed, md5sum checked, writing to USB, When USB is ready I have to go offline for install.
Apr 28, 2017 14:08
Download started, will take about half an hour, then burn to USB and install... I think it' better to write a comment if something is wrong with a question than just a plain uncommented downvote. Also spelling is not so important for me as long as I can understand what is going on.
Apr 28, 2017 14:01
I don't now who downvoted, it was not me, I usually avoid downvotes.
Apr 28, 2017 13:56
Ok, I will download and install, I will ping you when I get any result.
Apr 28, 2017 13:54
Which distro do you use? I have some free space on my HDD and will go to install same distro as well as pulseaudio-equalizer for more testing, will take a while, but I can do.
Apr 28, 2017 13:44
Any useful information in "man pulseaudio-equalizer?
Apr 28, 2017 13:41
I'd search for the .desktop-file
Apr 28, 2017 13:40
Yes, it should look like this. How do you start pulseaudio-equalizer? There should be an entry in your start menu.
Apr 28, 2017 13:40
Oh, it's you, I haven't looked who asked the question, if I had looked I wouldn't have written my comment...