Apr 27, 2020 22:08
@EvilSnack not really. If he had results which shows alchemy didn’t work then (by modern standards) he should have published. Hiding results you don’t like isn’t good science.
Aug 11, 2019 19:03
The mention of non-smoking seat requested should be a big red light. BA don’t allow smoking on any flight
Jun 5, 2019 20:08
@AlexP plenty of middle class people are union members - for example the vast majority of doctors in the U.K.
Mar 28, 2019 13:20
@LVDV this certainly isn’t the case in the UK. No issue billing as a private individual here. Just make sure you pay the right tax on any money received.
Mar 19, 2019 16:06
@BritishSam and then they can get done for VAT fraud, for reclaim VAT on something that is clearly not related to their business?
Aug 2, 2016 20:50
@Cape Code charging readers rather than authors locks up knowledge behind paywalls. There's lots of people out there who would benefit from access to academic papers who just can't afford the frankly ridiculous fees charged by many 'reputable' journals (looking at you Elsevier). Many funding bodies are moving towards mandating publishing in open access journals - and some of the best publish their own journals to ensure research gets published.