TRPG General Chat

Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games. Anyone can ask...
Aug 24, 2021 01:01
I was struggling with the answers I got to my OP because the book clearly said you didn't have to have a deity. But the spell said you can't use it if you don't have one -- a fact I ignored because "duh, clerics always have a deity..."
Aug 24, 2021 00:59
It totally want to build a goblin diabolic sorcerer whose deity, "Lord Soup Table", doesn't even exist. P.47, "Organized religion confounds goblins..."
Aug 24, 2021 00:56
... but thank you.
Aug 24, 2021 00:56
@Someone_Evil - when i reread the text to pull a quote for my followup question, I realized I had missed the text which made my follow up question moot. And so it goes.
Aug 24, 2021 00:12
Question about process: I wrote a question, and got an answer, and in retrospect, it was actually a correct answer to the question I wrote -- but it was not the question I intended. Do I accept that answer and try again with a new question, or what?
Nov 28, 2020 07:18
Could you please clarify which planet is the "second" in your diagram? It appears you have a binary pair with two bodies (presumably planets) co-orbital with the second one. Maybe just tell us the name - is it Hirr, Harr, or Hilor?
Jul 31, 2016 04:21
In 1984, torture was customized to the recipient. For me, it may be another forced upgrade of Windows. Extended duration? Check. Deterrent? Check. The only question is whether my sanity has survived.