Mar 14, 2017 13:21
"6. It keeps a kind of social pressure on the student to have a reason to deal with the subject." At least that was the reason I went to lectures.
Jan 16, 2017 02:10
@aparente001 It is a balancing act (I hope this is the right expression) between personal freedom of each involved, ethics and moral. I don't dare to judge this case. I think personal freedom should end, where it cuts others. Whether wearing a bikini cuts someones freedom, e.g. not being sexually offended (if a bikini offends someone) is extremely hard to judge and highly depends on the society. Again, this is from a higher viewpoint then "the law says [...]".
Jan 16, 2017 02:10
@Inquisitive: Not all moral standards or ethics are enforced by law. "It's not against the law" can be a really bad excuse for misbehavior. (Thing about finance industry...).
Dec 14, 2016 02:54
At my university it was common from the professor to even distribute the exams of previous years.