Nov 10, 2018 22:11
@Raykh I'm not saying Bob is guilty, because I'm not Bob or Alice, and I wasn't there.... but a lot of Catholics knew their church's priest was professional, honest, and ethical, as well.... until it turned out he wasn't.
Jun 8, 2018 02:55
Is the problem that his feet smell? Or a germ issue? Or does it just look unprofessional? In my office (IT, rural USA) it's not unusual for people to take their shoes off when they are in their offices, but they do usually put them back on before getting up and walking around :)
May 16, 2018 20:57
Your resume site looks great in Chrome, but it is a hot mess in Internet Explorer because you're using javascript that isn't supported in IE11. As a web developer, IE certainly isn't my first choice for personal use, but I still need my code to run on all of the popular, modern browsers. If the person reviewing your resume happens to be using IE, you're hosed.
Oct 18, 2016 22:48
Can you describe it? My in-laws are from Delaware, and every time they come visit us in Missouri they bring something they call scrapple, which I never see for sale around here. It comes in a brick-shape 1lb-ish package, and looks and tastes vaguely like sausage, except more liver-y? They slice it into little saltine-sized slices and fry it until it's crispy on the outside and kind of mushy on the inside. From your question I can't tell if whether their scrapple is 'real' scrapple, or the 'not scrapple' food you are searching for a name for.
Jul 14, 2016 21:58
@Burned It's different because it's an entry in the main Pokémon GO database saying that infinite copies of a pokemon exist in this area for a certain timeframe. The property owner and any number of visitors can all "catch" the same pokemon and add a copy of it to their personal databases. For your bank analogy, the bank could say that anyone who visits their site from their smartphone will receive a one-time credit of $5 to their bank account. Standing in someone's yard while visiting the site from your phone isn't depriving the property owner of $5.