Dec 3, 2024 08:15
I'll note that while this is polarizing question, it's also an important one and fit for here, so let's not down vote it, and instead provide good answers,
May 20, 2024 09:45
Was your time off approved?
Apr 24, 2024 17:52
@Or4ng3h4t people are not black or white (binary), assuming so is about 90% of most relation problems.
Apr 24, 2024 17:52
@Or4ng3h4t you are simplifying something very complex issue to binary "intro vs extro" where those words do not actually mean what I think you think they mean. That's big part of the problem here. Yes, talking about daily life with people at work is normal... I'll have a think of an answer.
Apr 24, 2024 17:52
@Or4ng3h4t and I take you didn't explain the "no talking or your fingers get cut off" policy either then? Like, maybe they talk to much, but the idea that people in the same office are only ever sending emails and ims to one another is just utterly bizzare. Is there some bussiness reason for it? Or is it just a massive waste of office space?
Apr 24, 2024 17:52
This is pretty specific team dynamic to... not talk when in the same office. Did you not do a cultural fit in this regard at all before hiring the new member? How long has the new member been part of the team that it's already at the "filing complaints" level?
Apr 23, 2024 09:06
What country is that happening and what does your contract actually say about work location?
Apr 15, 2024 05:41
@Or4ng3h4t i was being extremely sarcastic, not really looking for advice on how to lose my lovely accent. Honestly if someone asked me that, we would be not getting along, as that's quite insulting thing to ask, for many accent is part of heritage.
Apr 15, 2024 05:41
I need to learn the secret that allows me to turn accent on and off at will
Feb 5, 2024 08:22
@TheDemonLord No, I am not, despite you saying that 3rd time. You want your morality to stand above the justice system, a slippery slope I have no interest in indulging for even a second. Wait, edit, did you just suggest i am tryinng to excuse thoe crimes? Yeah, blocked, done.
Feb 5, 2024 08:22
@TheDemonLord You've brought that slippery slope of using your personal moral judgement instead of criminal justice system, wanting to be judge, jury and an executioner yourself. This is exactly the same logic that people use to discriminate, and if it used at some other group (not convicted felon) makes you feel uncomfortable then you should revisit your views. If you disagree with the penalty the person received, feel free to raise it via proper channels - the justice system.
Feb 5, 2024 08:22
This is the same awful "reasoning" people used to discriminate against many "undesriables" through the centuries. And by undesirables I mean here racial/sexual minorities, becuase it "was the moral thing to do". Just no, this answer has no place here, leave criminal justice system to handle the crime parts, and if they seem it fit to release the person, leave them be.
Jan 26, 2024 19:00
@throwaway1231249242 But that's kind of the worst case scenario, you are not following what seems to be established policy, but also not trying to resolve what you perceive a problem.That's why I am asking what is the end result you want, and if you don't really think ending of recordings will happen, what's the other outcome that's achievable?
Jan 26, 2024 19:00
@throwaway1231249242 but that's the point of a recording - so there's no ambiguity as human memory have been proven, over and over, to be absolutely awful at remembering stuff. What's the outcome you hope, for the recoded meetings to stop altogether, or just never when you join?
Jan 11, 2024 19:21
@user3067860 Have you actually seen what is exact content of the suggesions passed forward? I didn't, it's not in the question, but you went of a wild assumption about it.
Jan 10, 2024 18:40
@user3067860 I don't know what point you are trying to make or why does that require pining gme.
Jan 10, 2024 18:40
And as importantly, are you thje only dev working on that engine?
Jan 10, 2024 18:40
Ok, and how are you 100% sure that the gpt suggestions are so wrong and ludicruous, and not just your lack of experience?
Jan 10, 2024 18:40
Maybe I am missing something, but why are you asking those coworkers questions they have no expeirence in helping you with?
Jan 5, 2024 01:31
"Should I take him apart the next time he says something disparaging, and ask him what's wrong?" Why would that even cross your mind as an option? I doubt honesty of your post here on multiple fronts, what is that you really want to achieve here? Because if it's getting along, this will require a whole lot of change in your attitude, which you are not required to do, but then can't expect to have great out of work relationship with them.
Dec 15, 2023 22:07
@DJClayworth you keep saying things and assume what you say is universal truth just because you say so. And no, I am not interested in that debate, despite you trying to pull people into it, especially as it's not relevant for the question at all. Maybe you should post an answer at this point?
Dec 15, 2023 22:07
@DJClayworth You may be shocked to learn that calling a country destruction happens all the time, including in mass media, governments, parliments, celebrity tweets and is generally perfectly fine thing to do (that's also what calling breakup of the UK amounts to BTW). It's just somehow you deciding, rather arbitrarily, that when it's affecting a specific country it becomes a semitic issue. And when you do that, well, you start to see antisemitism where there may well not be any.
Dec 15, 2023 22:07
@hedgedandlevered what does that change? Israel is a country, countries can be criticized.
Dec 15, 2023 22:07
@DJClayworth what do you base that view on? Because you posted it under every question, and I do not see it like that, so clearly that's not some universal truth.
Dec 14, 2023 17:59
As brutal as this will sound to some people, this is the way. And sooner that point sinks across the better.
Dec 9, 2023 03:46
What country are you in? And generally speaking anyone can sue anyone for anything, now whether they will be successful is a whole other story.
Dec 3, 2023 10:23
Dec 3, 2023 10:23
That's fair, if that's how it's actually used it's what it is, and just because it seems rather uneven doesn't make it any less of a law. Thank you for explanation, it helps! In contrast in the UK, equipment you specifically govern in contracts how that's resolved, and what may be charged if you decide to not return it etc, but the idea of just holding back salary would be heap of trouble.
Dec 3, 2023 10:23
Sure, they are responsible for it whether lost, destroyed or just stolen, but I don't think that would allow employer to just withhold employers salary until that matter is resolved, that just seems extremely biased towards employers, and can easily be abused for leverage, as employee needs their pay way more than company really needs 400$ worth of electronics. Ultimately salary is for work performed, company could've protected itself against property theft by having say deposits for hardware taken off site, or entirely separate agreements outlining it.
Dec 3, 2023 10:23
Ultimately if I wouldn't trust soon to be former employee I would have arranged all this well in advance, which apparently they didn't do (and that's failure of the company, not OP). Don't think that frees company to now react like that and withhold pay, just doesn't seem proportionate.
Dec 3, 2023 10:23
Yeah I get the practicality of it and that they suspected OP of not returning it, but I am not sure how does that translate to withholding pay being legal, but I am far from expert on german employment law which so far seemed very strict and pro-employee, so being able to withhold pay like that seems... Odd. I would guess maybe withhold some of it for the equipment, but the entire pay? More so as employee could just say they don't have the equipment and then what? Hold it until court (or corresponding labor law body)? That seems very unevenly balanced.
Dec 3, 2023 10:23
This may be nitpicky, and I apologise, but I want to understand the mechanics that would allow that to happen purely for curiosity. Employee has to return the equipment by the last day, but also for salaries to reach in time, they would have to sent that last day at the latest. Can they be late with the salary payment? Or how else would that be arranged time-line wise to ensure return of equipment before pay is made.
Nov 20, 2023 23:55
Thanks for that, and yeah unless someone explicitly told me "i want you to call me both at the same time" I would not assume so, and even then this would raise my eyebrows. I may post answer later, mulling over it, but as you want to keep that person, you rally need to get a lot more sensitive and accepting of their choices and help them navigate it in the workplace. If that's not something you can realisticly do, I don't think it's likely you can keep them.
Nov 20, 2023 23:55
@Or4ng3h4t then call them by their name or they, this is extremely jarring, and probably insulting.
Nov 20, 2023 23:55
I'm sorry, why are you still confused about that persons pronouns? Between that and some other things in your post ("how change is always good and blah blah blah (usual LGBTQIA+ stuff).") I don't think your account is... exactly lacking serious bias. "Alternatively I need to guarantee that anything related to this incident, or the hormone treatment and possible surgeries would be on her time" Is that even legal?
Nov 10, 2023 00:21
So what's the reason you want to fire that person in the first place? And I debatably belive in slips of tongue when "make them do" is used, it tends to be very revealing of the nature of the relation.
Oct 1, 2023 11:16
"The company wants me to sign a general release agreement" and what are they paying you for signing it? And as you already got the severance forms... Unlikely to be contingent. Read the documents yourself, instead of asking someone else to read them for you. It needs to be spelled clearly if it is.
Sep 18, 2023 19:21
@joeqwerty Oh I don't think any of this happened, this is just some bored hours windup. But yes, using some assets is missues. Are there mitigatinig factors? Who cares, we are not judge and jury here, we deal with question as presented.
Sep 18, 2023 19:21
@joeqwerty you need legal status of missusing company property without permission? Or do you not see how this is missuse?
Sep 18, 2023 19:21
And your fist stop in all that discovery is internet forum? HR/Legal asap, assuming any of this is real.
Sep 17, 2023 22:21
I understand the frustration but what sort of thing we can help you with? How to get your manager to see the value of the tests you make? How to not get fired quickly? How to cope with the change?
Sep 1, 2023 23:57
How long have you been in this type of role? Is this first forey, 17th etc as team lead?
Sep 1, 2023 23:57
Well, it is, because if what you want is not aligned with the business reason, then it's furthering what you, personally, want instead of furthering the business.
Sep 1, 2023 23:57
"mainly care about delivering what was promised" Why is that not a priority for you too?
Aug 21, 2023 23:33
Now also students go in there? That's some big broom closet. This story gets better with every comment.
Aug 21, 2023 23:33
"I feel that I have priority to the room since I am the one who cleaned it up and organized" you are wrong. "I feel like administration would totally back my position" I don't think that will happen either unless you got their permission to repurpose that space in the first place. Did you?
Jul 22, 2023 17:24
> How does your company deal with this problem? What is the actual problem you are worried about? If it's "every possible one" then this will in no way fit an answer here, so what's the actual thing that worries you?
Jun 8, 2023 08:50
.... But this isn't reddit AITA thread and OP didn't ask to be called names, so big -1.
May 9, 2023 19:22
-1 for the "These are tools which, functionally speaking, do not exist. They are useless skills, because no employer wants them. " which is just plainly wrong, I am literally in middle of hiring for one of them.
Apr 18, 2023 09:00
@stipulateplonk email is no proof at all. And if you are not paying taxes, and they arent (there is going to be paperwork for that in Canada, if there is none - there's no taxes moving), this is something you may get yourself in trouble for. Also as you didn't explain nature of the work, instead ignored that question + being evasive, I suspect you know very well that it's very likely not up to par.