Dec 22, 2022 10:42
@DavidS did Elon ever actually say the stalker found him after leaving an airport?
Sep 9, 2017 18:54
consider that you may get (or be able to get) discounts or extras if you take their loan, which includes a small kick-back of the interest to them as profit, and which you can then use cash to pay off within the first 30 days
Sep 7, 2017 21:11
as an alternative, consider removing all personal stuff and wiping anything personal (dropbox caches, personal email caches, helper scripts not directly related to work duties, etc) yourself about 2 weeks before you leave, so that the recent backups and computer storage will have nothing except work related stuff when you leave. there are programs to zero out files if you want to go that way instead, so that the backups have the same file names in a useless state.
Mar 10, 2017 22:21
"phrase that doesn't show disrespect for the folks who are not up to doing the difficult proofs" ==> isn't that exactly what that phrase is designed to call out, those who are not up to doing the difficult proofs?
Jun 22, 2016 01:08
Just to be clear, Ms Pac-Man is not a hack or mod of the original. The idea for it started with a hack/mod, but it was developed as a real, separate product that was created after the sellers saw that there was an interest in variations on the original.
May 26, 2016 16:30
As a practical answer: because other colleges don't. Seriously; I attended a college that used the quarter system for 50 years then abandoned it because the classes didn't map when students left or arrived from other universities.