Puzzles Etc.

A room intended for discussing non-specific puzzles, or workin...
May 5, 2016 19:35
what kind of puzzles do you like
May 5, 2016 19:35
the solution is simple. test 3 coins against each other (balance with 2 pans). if one is lighter, it contains the light coin. if equal, it is the last 3 coins. Then from the suspect group of 3, try 2 coins against each other
May 5, 2016 19:34
hmm, i'm bad at math myself
May 5, 2016 19:32
you know the find the lighter coin from 9 coins with 2 weighs problem?
May 5, 2016 19:31
May 5, 2016 19:31
I still have an onsolved weighing problem