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Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games. Anyone can ask...
Jul 12, 2018 23:40
Jul 10, 2018 22:20
You may want such a beverage if you've got a thrikeen homebrew
Jul 10, 2018 22:19
True, true
Jul 10, 2018 22:18
Alternative scenario: Caster without the War Caster feat, wielding a shield is using one hand to cast
A shield is subject to don/doff rules, so can't be removed as a free action
Assuming a somatic-active hand can't be used for the S elements of another spell, counterspell can't be cast (without losing the original spell)
Jul 10, 2018 22:17
I feel like 5e was not intended to stand up to this level of scrutiny
Jul 10, 2018 22:15
I'm not sure it's specified anywhere, though
Jul 10, 2018 22:15
I'd assume that if the hand's actively in use, it's no longer free
Jul 10, 2018 22:15
The main situation that springs to mind as something that could trigger this would be characters wielding a shield
Jul 10, 2018 22:13
Though Counterspell is somatic components only, and could be (I guess) cast with the off hand
Jul 10, 2018 22:13
Only thing that I've seen that could preclude it is VSM components
Jul 10, 2018 22:11
It was the "A's in the middle of casting fireball, but then successfully casts CS while holding to FB" that struck me
Jul 10, 2018 22:11
Yeah, I'm on board with FB not being cancelled
Jul 10, 2018 22:10
It's the "You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell" that's getting me hung up

Again, it's not the most important of mechanics to hammer out the real-timeline of how this would play out
Jul 10, 2018 22:09
Slipping an additional counterspell would be

- A begins to cast fireball
....- B begins to cast Counterspell
........- A begins to cast Counterspell
........- A resolves Counterspell
....- B resolves Counterspell
- A resolves Counterspell
Jul 10, 2018 22:08
Ah, the indenting was lost there
Jul 10, 2018 22:08
So the CS is obviously cast before the FB resolves. So we're looking at an order of actions that's
- A begins to cast fireball
....- B begins to cast Counterspell
....- B resolves Counterspell
- A resolves Counterspell
Jul 10, 2018 22:06
"You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell" is page 228 on my version of the player's handbook
Jul 10, 2018 22:06
And yeah, the turn's 6 seconds long

But Counterspell's specific about when it occurs
Jul 10, 2018 22:05
The PF question just sparked the interest. It was in the question for context earlier, but I'm not trying to read PF onto 5e
Jul 10, 2018 22:05
@NautArch: Yeah, time's funky. I do have a soft spot for translating D&D round time to something approximating realtime when possible
Jul 10, 2018 22:04
@DavidCoffron: I took a dive into the PF system of spellcasting in that linked question. It was a bit of confusion initally about version differences, and then bemusement that the mechanics of the game allowed for this sort of thing

"It's terribly complex, prone to failure, and can fail if you take damage but nah it's fine you can cast two at the same time they're pretty easy" is just an interesting concept
Jul 10, 2018 22:03
@NautArch: I guess I don't understand why this question precludes an understanding of the Turn system.
Jul 10, 2018 22:02
SO an answer would either find a reason to dispute that belief, or assert that spells can be cast simultaneously
Jul 10, 2018 22:02
@Rubiksmoose I think so, yeah. I suppose the base assumption of the question is that SA was correct
Jul 10, 2018 22:01
Sorry, just catching up on chat so far
Jul 10, 2018 21:57
Was running errands and on mobile earlier, else I'd have jumped in
Jul 10, 2018 21:57
Glad to see this is active :)
Dec 18, 2016 08:45
Time for bed, I think, and maybe the answer can go up tomorrow
Dec 18, 2016 08:45
gah, it's now 3am and I'm approaching uselessness
Dec 18, 2016 08:37
but looking into it a bit more it's that the effects are written for 3.5. Getting into the differences there would be a whole other answer in and of itself, and not something I'm up for right now.
Dec 18, 2016 08:36
"Wow, CoC Blind/Deafen allows you to permanently disable the target! That's overpowered!"
Dec 18, 2016 08:36
I was originally planning to include a bit about the differences in the effects themselves
Dec 18, 2016 08:36
Yeah, and the Sanity/Ability damage that goes along with it
Dec 18, 2016 08:35
Talking about the d20 CoC, I realise I should make clear
Dec 18, 2016 08:35
The costs are entirely different, of course, but the spell text itself is staright out of D&D 3.5
Dec 18, 2016 08:35
Blind/Deafen, for example
Dec 18, 2016 08:18
The more I read into it, the more it feels like a 3.5/5e spell mashup question.
Dec 18, 2016 08:14
Trying to gin up an answer to the recently bountied CoC/5e mashup question.
Dec 18, 2016 08:13
for a short while
Dec 18, 2016 08:13
Fair enough. I was thinking about bed...
Dec 18, 2016 08:09
Anyone around and/or active at this hour?
Dec 18, 2016 08:09
good technically-morning.
Dec 15, 2016 15:07
A legalistic metagame, at least. Probably not so much of an RPG.
Dec 15, 2016 15:07
I've heard interesting stories of people taking 3.5 and turning it into an almost legalistic meta-game that requires intimate knowledge of how to abuse the rules. Never played with a group like that, and not sure if I want to, but I think it could be an interesting game.
Dec 15, 2016 15:06
Yeah, 5e seems pretty straightforward as an RPG
Dec 15, 2016 15:03
@LegendaryDude I feel like playing that literally would be some pretty top-notch rules lawyering. Could be fun if your group's into that sort of thing.
Dec 14, 2016 17:22
I experimented with that a bit. Wound up accidentally reverse-engineering the system before I figured it out.
Dec 14, 2016 17:22
These are based on an exponential scale; if the DM wants to do something similar for enemy presentation they're stuck with logs.
Dec 14, 2016 17:20
Heroes of Might & Magic tends to use 'group sizes' instead of numbers when the player comes across enemies. 'Few', 'Several', 'Pack', 'Lots', etc.
Dec 14, 2016 17:20
@nitsua60 IIRC...