Sep 5, 2020 04:49
No need to bother. Reason: drag. Standard equation hints you will have drag on the order of 100mil (and with the human body shaped like this you take all of it). At ~Mach 2 and beyond you need special alloys and aerodynamic-friendly geometry to offset aerodynamic heating. TL;DR: Question is incomplete. If that's a person at Mach2 - they kill themselves way before going Mach2. If they wear armor - define what it is.
Jan 9, 2020 01:07
Duh, no mandatory xkcd what-ifs? Sounds good for stealing the Moon (well, not sure if it will be "usable" after that though)
Nov 28, 2019 12:33
@quarague not necessarily: it is unlikely the non-trivial zero will just appear as a result of trying to plug in random numbers (if that was possible, I think this would be found already). Therefore, it's more likely that such a zero will not just be sitting there, but rather there will be a description of the process of how that zero was found. Or may be it will be shown that such a zero can be constructed, but not the exact value of it (example: transcendental numbers - for some time we knew they existed, but no one could point out such a number)
Jul 15, 2019 19:03
@Confoundedbybeigefish.I don't follow your argument. I had to provide great level of detail because people asked (and that made sense). The question is about the very concrete thing that is not related to any story. I have only one thing from the "Story" - the name "Sam" (which doesn't happen to be the one I use).
Jul 15, 2019 19:03
@MorrisTheCat correct. For simplicity: not only does he not associate with other groups (because to avoid being discovered), he also can not do this physically (because of the limitations of the job he does). There is no way Sam will be exposed to anyone but his current group and that exposure group will stay the same as it was when everyone joined during next 5 years.
Jul 15, 2019 19:03
@MorrisTheCat regular setting, face to face exposure daily for potentially several hours. I think I need to add that too. It looks like I'm not great with filling in important details, sorry.
Jul 15, 2019 19:03
@MorrisTheCat it's a good point. I have to remind myself that what I have in mind and what is written is not the same. Added better clarification (e.g. exposure only within the group, no newcomers to the groups that were already formed)
Jul 15, 2019 19:03
@TrevorD well, it is visual - so yes, we can't distinct 30 vs 32 with our eyes. But we can do 30 vs 50 easily. So it's okay if he "looks at 32" - people won't ask him too hard. But a 50 years old man in a group of 20-ish? Come on.
Jul 15, 2019 19:03
@TrevorD I disagree. It is limited to an objective factor: how long will the tech allow him to stay visually young. The tech is also well-defined: it is that what we have at our disposal in our present day. And that is the essence of the question.
Jul 15, 2019 19:03
@Alexander let's assume they do but Sam can influence authorities ; what Sam can't do is to influence how others see him so if he doesn't fake his appearance somehow - many people will start asking questions
Jun 26, 2019 13:31
@Josef well one thing is vendor promising to remove the data and another thing is to still have it restored (or why else people do these physical disposal). However, I think in my case it should be well enough - I don't store state secrets there so its likely no one will bother to do expensive restoring procedures on my device
Jun 26, 2019 13:31
How do I know if my device encrypts the data? I can call it "modern" because it's a smartphone but it's also way too old and already malfunctions (hence I want to replace it). The device in question is iPhone 5 (the very first model of it)
Apr 23, 2019 19:47
@BinaryWorrier the guns are "artefacts" in this case? But then why are they "old" ?
Apr 23, 2019 19:47
Interesting concept of finding what we have now as "artefacts". I wonder though - what could possibly survive 2-3k years that could be of use to descendants? That is - understandable for them and they can use it, compare and say "wow, ancients really created an artefact!"
Oct 2, 2018 16:12
@Agent_L that may be so. I stated my opinion and my take on the matter. The mentioned question would make me uncomfortable enough to not take the job. Does it mean it's a rule that no one should take the job? Of course not. But hey - we're here to share opinions, aren't we?
Oct 2, 2018 16:12
I agree with this post in general. However there's one thing that bugs me (personally), that's a racism question. I would not be able to just shrug it off if I was OP. That's a huge red flag for me no matter the intentions.