
May 19, 2023 19:40
@NeilMeyer I doubt that even banning from app stores is feasible. Why would company not based in Montana and not having a primary business interest there care about Montana laws?
Mar 25, 2023 01:30
@chux-ReinstateMonica "hot" is just a moniker we give to wire having potential different from ground. In reality, only potential difference between wires matter. In fact, you can have power grid with floating neutral (not connected to ground and having a potential difference) in Europe and everything will still work.
Feb 24, 2023 20:36
if the defence intends to use an alibi defence, the prosecution must be told about it at a very early stage But what if you don't intend to use this defence, because you should be able to win the case anyway, but forced to do so, because something unexpected came up (maybe there is a witness lying about you being here, maybe something else)?
Oct 20, 2022 20:39
@wizzwizz4 it was a semi-official wiki before Microsoft aquisition. The change in question came after Fandom merge. Probably because nobody trust the Fandom anymore.
Oct 20, 2022 20:39
As an example: Minecraft Wiki had to change logos used on main page, because it is not official. Fallen London (a text-based browser game) wiki posts only small excerpts from descriptions for consequences of player actions (and only titles without narrative for paid content) to not infringe on copyright.
Oct 13, 2022 15:34
Destroying data as soon as it was created does not make you having a copy any less paradoxical: you are still breaking causality chain between data creation and you aquiring it. It is like claiming that killing your own grandfather before his birth vs right after birth makes a difference.
Sep 25, 2022 22:47
@JonCuster in certain cases yes, you get to keep them. Had an incident with employee deciding to keep cash I paid for cubic meter of sand to himself, essentually stealing sand from his company and selling it to me. Didn't have to break down concrete to retrieve said sand back.
Jul 28, 2022 00:11
"Since the simulacra follow our commands", Technically, it follows commands of the caster of the spell, which isn't you for every simulacrum but one. While caster can make simulacrum be friendly to you, you will have one hell of chain of commands in the end.
Dec 31, 2020 08:41
@ThomasMarkov One or more numbers actually. Save DC of */*/*/18/14/20 Wiz 3/Clr 1/Wrk 7 depends on what spell you cast.
Jan 3, 2020 18:27
@NathanS I believe that those options mean get rogue 1, multiclass into fighter 1, level rogue to 3 taking arcane trickster, level fighter to 5 taking rune master, level rogue to 15, etc.
Jan 3, 2020 11:47
And if enemy is being grappled, does it means that as soon as we knock him prone, it is advantage time until the end?
Jan 3, 2020 11:45
When you say every attack hits and no critical hits, does it make feats like Lucky and Great Weapon Master (first point) irrelevant for increasing DPS? When you say no spells, does it make Magic Initiate useless too? Can we assume that opponent does something every turn like leaves our reach for opportunity attacks or casts a spell for Mage Slayer? What about abilities which require saving throw?
Dec 20, 2019 01:40
1) Tier system is not intended for 5e. 2) What character option exactly are you talking about? UA? Soemthing else?