@MadScientist doesn't make up for the fact that we as a company should post responses to more than we do, but it is an honest explanation that it's just really hard to keep up on the Q&A requests
@MadScientist that is true (reading more than we respond to). Speaking for myself (which doesn't help much because I work on Careers, not the Q&A communities, these days), I would often read a request, then either make a note to discuss it with someone else internally or keep it open in a tab until I had time to write a thorough answer, and then just lose track of it.
@SomeKittens this is an interesting thing...we do shut down the most egregious incidents really quickly (relying heavily on community members flagging things), and a lot of stuff gets shut down before the general public knows about it. but the occasional incident reaches twitter, or meta, or whatever and even though those things are really rare, they might portray that things aren't great on SO.