Giacomo Catenazzi

Jan 30 11:03
IMHO the impact on you (apart ev. financially responsibilities as written by Relaxed) would be that your will be less trusted on further invitations. -- Other stack exchanges may be relevant on how to handle "personal issues" (convincing your brother to return as he promised).
Oct 13, 2024 10:15
It is difficult to say. If they get the information, they will not trust you
Oct 9, 2024 15:20
It depends on the hotel (and what hotel think about guess). It may require deposit or some sort of guarantee, maybe you must just fill some more form (with address and contacts), they may want to do a copy of your passport. Or maybe just pay in advance (and maybe day after day)
Oct 8, 2024 19:21
@FranckDernoncourt: you forked the comments into a new questions, where I answered and put relevant links. -- But as the pages tell us, the zones have paramilitary or non-official law enforcement (which I learn from a Colombian: it is a real thing).
Oct 8, 2024 19:21
I found: Rouge : la zone est formellement déconseillée. Les voyages sont proscrits. (so ..., travels are banned):…
Oct 8, 2024 19:21
@MarkJohnson: sometime there are not just advices (usually on war zones). -- In any case, Colombia, the zones in the questions: Zones formellement déconseillées (which I'm curious about the second word),on lower lever we have Zones déconseillées sauf raison impérative (which seems more the classical), and the rest is just: Zones à vigilance renforcée, so no normal zone in Colombia.
Oct 8, 2024 19:21
Check the French website about foreign affairs. Some places are discouraged, and other should not be accessed. They cannot enforce it, but if something happens, the government doesn't need to do anything.
Oct 8, 2024 19:21
Interesting question, but I think it is just hypothetical. As French citizen, are you allowed (by French government) to go there?
Oct 4, 2024 03:08
@MarkJohnson: it is not the question. Inside the airport there are police and custom authorities, they may perform drug screening (e.g. dogs). I do not understand why do you think somebody is talking about random airport employee. OP is worried about checks, not just checks done by random people -- BTW airlines can requires drug test to their pilot anytime. Performed by random person: no). Laws is complex, do not try to overgeneralize.
Oct 4, 2024 03:08
In any case for OP: consuming marijuana is legal or permitted in many European countries, and nobody care if you consume it (but if you drive, you are a pilot, etc.) Just do not smuggle it (it is illegal) or sell it
Oct 4, 2024 03:08
@MarkJohnson: I do not mean contracts. But real laws. And the point is that: do you think airports are not explicitly authorized and they do not have authorities on their perimeters? Police and custom operate inside airports, legally. Stop making arguments that inside airports only private agents are operating, and all within private law.
Oct 4, 2024 03:08
@MarkJohnson: but it means nothing, sorry! On normal speech "at airport" we intend the whole infrastructure. Security checks are also not done by the "private corporation", but we get them. We had from time to time drug search with dogs. [And major port and airports (and railways) sometime have special rules, or better special laws, and being specific has often priority]. And you have special checks at concerts and sport events (drug, alcohol, dangerous objects): by passing the security line you agree to be checked.
Aug 30, 2024 18:37
Yeah, I think bad humour. It is a boring job, so we have something some strange interactions, from weird question about country of origin, or other place we travelled. Or once I got a sketch on my boarding pass (and the worst ;-) is when you travel with some extrovert persons... things get really weird)
Aug 30, 2024 18:31
@phoog: right, but it should be noted (else people may misunderstand): you cannot add both 90 together. Select one.
Jul 13, 2024 03:41
I think most people here understand the different of mass and weight, but 1- do it matter so much on a scale? 2- are you sure mass is more useful e.g. to calculate lift? 3- and id doesn't matter on your conclusion? Do you think anybody will measure mass of each cargo unit? (Standard passenger are weighted). -- unnecessary and wrong pedantry.
May 11, 2024 15:09
On the ticket there should be a series of codes and prices, with some guesses I think you can figure out. Possibly also on the receipt. -- But you may ask your finance department or other employees: I'm sure you are not the only one with such problem (and so I expect an internal guideline for that, for sure hidden)
Mar 27, 2024 19:26
Note: with such value, it may be considered "money laundry", so you may need to provide evidences of the origin of it. And this is independent of allowed and duties.
Feb 10, 2024 22:57
I think there is no solution, but to check for a new apartment, and try to get as much refund as possible
Nov 30, 2023 08:37
@deceze: they will not tell you. Else one organization would improve such details until it get the system. (and variability of stamps between embassies will not help reducing false positive)
Sep 16, 2022 22:10
Do no loan the gold. It is worse (suddenly changes on accounts is always very suspicious). The problem: they do not have much money, but you are providing finances. But then there is the second problem: what do they have in home country that keep them not to stay with you after one months or so? This is the most tricky part (it seems they have no job).
Jul 7, 2022 19:01
It depends on the case, but your case doesn't seem discrimination (country of your browser, etc.). i bet if you try 3 times on airline site (logged) you get a better price (it happened me recently). Sometimes navigating the site you get also better deals (e.g. on special search, all options, all classes, etc.). Like shops: the more expensive things are put in front. The best deals are more difficult to see.
Apr 21, 2022 10:02
You may be nervous because tight flight, and immigration officers are trained to check nervousness (and similar clues) as possible frauds. I was in immigration queues (several countries) for more then 60 minutes. I got random post custom check, ... Complaining for 15 minutes seems you have very wrong expectation on travels. In any case, there is a website and you can find complain forms.
Feb 12, 2022 07:19
And also they may not be able to offer better prices. Travel agencies may limit the offer an hotel can make. It is on the contract, and you should accept, or you will not be on top of the list. In Europe it was decided that such clause is illegal (but we had it). Note: it depends also on where you ask. Reception personal may not be able to modify prices. Email to sale department may get better deals.
Sep 10, 2021 13:11
In my experience, you do not need it. Pharmacies know the different names (and old names). I think it the names are listed in the standard Pharmacopoeia (or in some other book they have). -- I would let them to "translate". If you search online, you risk to miss important information (e.g. different size, or different amount of active substance on a 0.5 g pill).
Jul 6, 2021 15:41
You see it as minor offense, but I consider it as very dangerous. Carrying women documents is frequent to sex-traffickers and abusers ("wife" means very little on such people). And you may use the other documents for unlawful purposes. I'm not a lawyer, but this was always a NO-NO. There are reason to carry other people passport (e.g. for a new passport, on a person which it is in the country, and possibly with a written consent [but better to use consular services]). Just curios: what was your reason to carry your wife passport with you? Do you have a good reason?
Feb 7, 2021 16:50
I think there are also 'exchange stations", where one cannot exit station, but ev. changing platforms or train)
Aug 24, 2020 12:30
@Willeke:‌​s/… "king size bed that can be twinned". It is a very English hotel
Aug 24, 2020 12:30
@CMaster: yes, but so it confuses because we have many other languages, which different uses. I wrote: translating "word" per "word", once at I time. This question is about a non-English speaking country.
Aug 24, 2020 12:30
@Willeke: "twin" is used mostly on more touristic (foreigners) hotels, and when they use "twin", usually you have "queen" and "king". On more regional places, they just use own local terminology and with a word to word translation. "Double" has often roots on quantity, not on size. It is a language issue. And we use "twin","queen","king" to remove such ambiguity. Maybe we should check "double bed", "double beds"
Aug 24, 2020 12:30
For me "double bed" means two separated beds. Useful if you travel with friends: you can have some separation. Queen or King size is about ONE bed, but larger size (usually for two people) -- twin is specific, but on translation and local language such word may not be understood
Jul 15, 2020 21:53
@Nzall: Your question is difficult, because you use a strange notation of buildings. When people have much place, they build several buildings (especially on extreme climates). Do arctic research stations count as many buildings or just few? (they are connected, but built in modules, and several year apart. Are Igloo buildings? (from standard definition: yes). And tends? But not a inhabited cave, right? not permanently (better: seldom) inhabited radio/radar stations counts?
Jul 15, 2020 21:53
@RobertColumbia: researchers and oil workers usually uses several buildings (one for fuel, and possibly one for vehicles).
May 19, 2019 23:49
@PierreB: Probably it is too late to verify legality (we are not starting from new situation), so there were some period to challenge decision.
May 19, 2019 23:49
I do not know why you blame your lawyer. You got the ban, so you know for how long. You hired the lawyer, but after you get the ban. So if you had no news, you really could not expect a shorter ban. Also for this second case, ask a friend to read the letter. S/he will be more neutral on interpreting the letter. [it is a well know survival bias we had when we are "attacked"]
Apr 1, 2019 05:10
The question seems to go in two directions, so could you specify: physiological: it seems you are requesting a flight with more differences on longitude per flight time. But you speak also about time zones (which like date-line) is just arbitrary and nothing physiological. Amsterdam-London is short flight, but one time zone difference. But you will find shorter flights.
Mar 11, 2019 16:48
For one airplane, one case. There is never a single point of failure. Nearly all modern crashed are caused by a series of errors/problems. On the older case, there were issued notices to all pilots about the 3 errors that were made (maybe also more).
Mar 11, 2019 16:48
"well founded fears"? The first crash was due to pilot errors (the previous pilots recovered airplane). The pilot errors were caused by lack of documentation (about a change), but still, by following old procedures, the airplane were recoverable; and an additional cause: the airplanes should have no flown again with know and reported recurring problem. So 3 sequential causes which now are known and corrected.
Feb 23, 2019 23:43
@Rg7xgW6acQ3g Not HP limit, but emission limit. Some cities enforce maximum emission (EURO4 etc. labels).
Feb 23, 2019 23:43
@Rg7xgW6acQ3g: You should not use a sport car to commute to work (and it will be no good for the gear box [sorry but modern sport car drivers are mostly incompetent]). Reducing the maximum speed reduce also the travel time (on congested traffic).
Feb 23, 2019 23:43
Yes, Having different limits it is a source of incidents.
Sep 29, 2018 18:16
Remember that "not forbidden" does not mean "allowed". Where it is forbidden, it is forbidden to smoke. Where it is not explicitly forbidden, other rules may take effect (and probably not directly related to smoking). And probably, as you wrote, you smoke much, which annoy people much more than single cigarette. BTW usually people are not forbidden to complain, and as far I have seen, it seems "complaining" is a national sport in many countries.
Aug 7, 2018 19:44
You can go to North Ireland. Then with car or buses, you can go to Ireland (as the Republic of Ireland).
Apr 5, 2018 13:41
@VividD: I think @Stephie will not start a meta post because it is not worth (in her opinion) to start such discussion. OTOH I think she (and also myself) thank that the question would close.
Apr 5, 2018 13:40
I'm surprised by so many upvotes.
Apr 5, 2018 09:24
Note: I would not vote to close, but also not vote to keep it open.
Apr 5, 2018 09:23
yeah, so there were my comment: professional business, or just as similar to seed exchange. About how to do gardening business it is not interesting, but about seed (also because I'm a seed buyer) could interest me. For this reason I say "it is at edge, without saying inside or outside scope)
Apr 5, 2018 09:15
In this case is the topic that is slight at edge (selling seeds, not real gardening legal question).
Apr 5, 2018 09:14
I think being a legal stuff is not a problem (we already had question about licenses of being landscaper in Canada, about neighbors policies about trunks, branches).
Feb 9, 2018 21:39
there is a lot of Russian tourist in Europe, so it should not be difficult to have the visa. Just careful: do not put money in her account: this will be noticed and be a major reason to refuse the visa. Moscow is also one of the most expensive city in the world, so (if she come from this of St Peterborough) it should not be difficult to proof that she can maintain herself. So prepare good documents, and doesn't overdue: be honest.
Feb 9, 2018 21:39
Right. Switzerland is no more visa free, so usual Schengen visa, so usual requirements (and so, no embassies are better then other).