Deschele Schilder

Aug 8, 2021 14:05
@RemcoGerlich When is a game solved? When its played the way you wanted to play it? Then the question is shifted towards the outside world.
Aug 8, 2021 14:05
@Reddmann That is my line of thinking too. Countless games can be played. All can be win or lost. Remise is not necessarily the outcome. I had postal (internet) chess in mind too.
Aug 8, 2021 14:05
@L.ScottJohnson But as oposed to your comment. How will this perfect play look like? Perfect?
Aug 8, 2021 14:05
@L.ScottJohnson But the second player can do this too.
Aug 8, 2021 14:05
@RemcoGerlich And then?
Aug 8, 2021 14:05
@Annatar The last one is perfect! It fits my bill so to speak. Ill edit.
Aug 8, 2021 14:05
@Annatar What should I question then?
Aug 8, 2021 14:05
@jf328 Assume some moves arbitrary. You can assign chances and make the next move based on this chance. You can use a supercomputer to compute all possible moves of your opponent.
Aug 6, 2021 03:01
Where do the humans come from? Do they co-exist with the children of the avatars of the godess? Who inseminates them (the same could be asked of Her Highnes Mother Mary, giving birth to our one and only savior Jesus of Nasareth, His Name be praised! Who the f..k f..ked Mary?)
Aug 6, 2021 03:01
@NuclearHoagie You mean 25000.
Aug 5, 2021 06:03
@MJ713 I do it fast one moment
Aug 5, 2021 06:03
My girlfriend asks me to move my ass...Girls!!...
Aug 5, 2021 06:03
@MJ713 If you place the neurons on a paper (sorry my phone is so small.)with those vertical and horizontal lines (squared?), then the lines on the paper connect the neurons (on the crosspoints). How many paths between neurons are possible? Assume 10exp7 horizontal and 10exp7 vertical. There are quite a few different paths...
Aug 5, 2021 06:03
@Hershberger Every combination of paths (pattern) could just follow a path of least resistence which is unique for all. No need to compute.
Aug 5, 2021 06:03
@John Nope... Look at it like a check board. There are less atoms than in the whole checkboard. There is just a piece of the 10exp7x10exp7 checkboard carved away.
Aug 5, 2021 06:03
@MJ713 Virtually all forms in the universe could dwell on that grid (asduming more than 1 path, say parsllel paths as in your brain).
Aug 5, 2021 06:03
@John If there are 10exp14 neurons visible (on the nodes of a grid) then again there are the same amount of lines. That makes about 10exp30 particled. A bit less than 10exp83...
Aug 5, 2021 06:03
@MJ713 I see what you mean! I made the grid in which there are connections only between the neurons indeed. But look at the number of psths already here.
Aug 5, 2021 06:03
@John In fact it suffices to draw lines between a square grid of 10exp14 neurons. Look at the number of paths...
Aug 5, 2021 06:03
@John No. There are 10exp14 neurons and the same number of connections. That is about 10exp30 elementary particles maximum (already a few orders to much). No there more connections but not that many to exceed the number of particles. By far not.
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
@Jay For 10 connected nodes (neurons) the number of possible paths is 10x9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1=? Not 5120.
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
@John The number is many many orders (that phone...) bigger than all elementary particles in the universe! 10exp14x(10exp14-1)x(10exp14-2)x.. Im talking not of the brain but that silly cube.
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
@Jay I have done a calculation. The number of paths between 100 trillion interconnected neurons exceeds the number of atoms by quite an order. If you also assume different possible cojlping strengths the number is even bigger.
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
You are absolutely right.
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
@Jay You are absolutely right.
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
@jdunlop If one neuron connects to 100 trillion other neurons and the connection strengths can be varied than 1 neuron can make a combination already with 100 trillion others. Every other can make a connection with 100 trillion minus one. Etc. And then the strengths can also be varied.
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
This is exactly how I used to think too. But it is plainly wrong. Sorry...
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
That is, a hard no must be a soft yes.
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
@jdunlop I dont speak of the connections themselves. Obviously there cant be more than there are atoms in the brain.
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
@jdunlop Well thats my point. There are more combinations of different connections and varying strengths than there are planck surfaces on the surface enclosing the cube.
Aug 5, 2021 05:49
But then how can my brain envision all objects in the universe? Suppose I had an infinite life. I clise my eyes for long enough and let all possible melodies, visions of atoms, visions of storms while they move, or take your pick. After a finite time it will exceed the number of objects. All with the senses shut. How can so much be contained in the small brain? The information is latent there. Not explicit. The info is constant changing. All contained in the brain. Likewise if you construct a device with say 100 trillion neurons,connected with varying strengths. How much potentially contained?
Aug 5, 2021 03:43
I only now see what a stogy means. That might give a nice touch. Though that will be the last to care about. Or...maybe he just cares about that. " stogy. Those aliens!" Also the disappearance of buoyancy comes in hañdy. There is more to it than I expected.
Aug 5, 2021 03:43
Thanks for this answer! Especially the Leidenfrost effect comes in handy. "Frost",,,
Aug 5, 2021 03:43
@John Wont it get compressed?
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@jdunlop Of course it can. If I had eternal life I could phantasize all atoms in the universe.
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@GrumpyYoung Thats why I asked. The brain can represent more stuff thsn the stuff its made up of. I mean that kind of structure. Now you might say thats impossible but is it?
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@HenryShao Yes, thats the holographic principle. I dont wanna use that. The max. information would lay on the surface around the cube. The max of info is the number of planck sutfaces in that surface. This is not what I mean though. Maybe temporily this info has that max but the content can change accirding to what is needed. The structure inside selfadjusts.
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@JonSG All sizes. All that you can imagine. A whole planets insides and outsides can be in it. Subquarks an subleptons. Atoms. Electron clouds. All fish. It can all be there and if asked for generated. Just as, if I ask you, you can envision whole planets, their whole surfaces (just think about them in your mind; your mind can think of virtually all structures in the universe; if you would life forever your memory would encompass the whole universe)
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@GrumpyYoungMan Your links refer to information in planck volumes. Planck bits. Like on the surface of a black hole there is exactly the maximum information that can be contained in the volume inside the surface. Im not talking about that kind of stuff. Thats why I said in the question its more difficukt than you think.
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@Alexander Indeed. The wormholes are connected from the cube to other cubes scattered over the universe. A kind of neuron netwerk with wormhole dendrites.
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@Alexander I wrote in the question that wormholes are used. Its an accepted vacuum solution of Einstein's equations.
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@GrumptyYoung It updates every hour. To inform everyone in all galaxies who have almost direct acces. Like this they know whats going on on the other side of the universe. You can update it maybe in real time.
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@UndeadFish See it like how your brain can virtually represent all objects in the universe. And thats only small as compared to this cube. An electron does not represent a planet.
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@Alexander They are allowed to have one too. Everyone is allowed. Maybe they are even mass produced.
Aug 5, 2021 03:33
@Allan Well, all objects except the cube itself. Thats why the brain can never have a full image of itself.
Aug 5, 2021 03:32
Can somebody please make the final close vote?
Aug 5, 2021 03:32
@JBH Many astrobiologists believe that such tidally locked worlds would be uninhabitable for beings like humans, or even totally lifeless There is thescientific hard evidence you asked for. Totally lifeless...
Aug 5, 2021 03:32
Hurray!!! Its finally closed. Pfffhhhh...
Aug 5, 2021 03:32
@JBH Well a sudden stop in rotation causes more damage than a slow stop. In that case there would even more evil done than for a slow stop. So the alien people would even be urged harder to go underground on the cold side (that would be my solution).
Aug 5, 2021 03:32
@JBH Ich denke das du verboten werden muss...