The Coding Wombat


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Mar 28, 2019 20:03
So if L and M are lines, <L, M> is the set of all lines intersecting L and M I think
Mar 28, 2019 20:02
I was told it's the span
Mar 28, 2019 19:55
Okay quick question: If I have three lines, L,M,N, in projective P^4 space, do I have that <<L,M>,N>=<L,M,N>? It seems to make sense, but my normal intuition has not yet been of use in projective geometry
Mar 28, 2019 19:53
Is this room for asking questions about mathematics?
Jan 17, 2019 10:38
How would I know an example function that this method would work for
Jan 17, 2019 10:38
Yeah that was very clear, thank you
Jan 16, 2019 21:13
So @Christoph , do you know how that answer works out with the eigenvalues? I don't know for one how that norm is defined, the internet lists many different ones, so I'm a bit clueless
Jan 16, 2019 18:21
Hmm okay
Jan 16, 2019 17:46
@Christoph Does this ping you?
Jan 15, 2019 22:13
A: Stability region for two step Nyström method

LutzLThe eigenvalues of $A$ are $hλ\pm\sqrt{1+(hλ)^2}\approx \pm\exp(\pm hλ)$. The method is stable if for $Re(λ)<0$ the iteration converges to zero. As the product of the eigenvalues is always $-1$, you will always have one eigenvalue greater than $1$ in absolute value, and thus the component of the ...

Jan 15, 2019 22:12
Wanna help out?
Jan 15, 2019 22:12
But the answer says it's empty, and I also don't understand why you calculate the eigenvalues.
Jan 15, 2019 22:11
I asked a question about the stability region of the two step Nyström method
Jan 15, 2019 22:11
Jan 9, 2019 22:08
Next up I'll have to find the "stability area" and after that a function on which that method might prove useful.

But for now, thanks for you help and good night
Jan 9, 2019 22:05
The global error is always the same, for whatever method you use? Or is it always one power less than the local?
Jan 9, 2019 21:52
Thanks for helping
Jan 9, 2019 21:52
I'll read some more on wikipedia
Jan 9, 2019 21:51
Does the "multi-step" refer to x_2 to being based on the previous two x_i? So on multiple x_i?
Jan 9, 2019 21:46
My assignment is to calculate the truncation error in general (not any more specific, so I guess global). How would I calculate that? My book gives an example for the normal euler or forward euler method, but I don't know how to translate that to the central euler
Jan 9, 2019 21:45
I understand that this works for the local truncation error.
Jan 9, 2019 21:44
One more thing: In your formula for $\tau$ you use $u(x_2)$ and $u(x_0)$ and $u(x_1)$, but here the first is an exact value for every iteration right? But the second and third are approximate results from previous iterations if I'm not mistaken? (So in this case $x_0$ and $x_1$ are exact in this example, because they were given, but I mean for the next and subsequent iterations).
Jan 9, 2019 21:44
So, my $u_{k+1}$ in the expression in my question is an approximation for the real value corresponding to $x_2$, right? And the $u(x_2)$ is the exact value at $x_2$? If that's the case, I understand why we then subract the approximation from the exact value. I don't understand the taylor expansion of $u(x_0)$ tho, where do the minus signs come from, and how do you expand to a higher $x_i$?
Jan 9, 2019 21:44
Cool way of writing that difference as the definite integral of a derivative! So does this mean that the approximation error in the midpoint rule for this integral is the same as the truncation error of the "central euler method"?
Oct 31, 2018 14:20
And proving that <x> is also normal? q is not the smallest prime, so I guess I can't use the same proof
Oct 31, 2018 14:05
Okay, so what does the kernel of this homomorphism mean? What is the identity of the collection of permutations of omega?
Oct 31, 2018 13:51
That's okay, I'm glad I at least have some understanding of this to catch that :). Group theory is quite notation heavy and overwhelming
Oct 31, 2018 13:39
And K is the kernel of the homomorphism, so doesn't that mean that \phi (K) = {identy element of Sp} and that as only element?
Oct 31, 2018 13:31
But later on you say G/K is a subgroup of Sp, but I thought Sp was not yet proven to be a set?
Oct 31, 2018 13:25
So every element of G is mapped to a set in S_p by the homomorphism
Oct 31, 2018 13:20
So Sym(Omega) is a collection of sets with each set the elements g1H, g2H, ... gpH in a different order?
Oct 31, 2018 13:17
So what elements does Sym(\Omega) contain?
Oct 31, 2018 13:15
Okay, so Omega is the same as the set of G/H
Oct 31, 2018 13:12
That omega group is the same as G/H right?
Oct 31, 2018 13:11
Your last comment made it probably more clear, but it's very technical for me
Oct 31, 2018 13:11
I hope we can continue talking here.
Oct 31, 2018 13:10
So $S_p=G / H$? (the quotient group)
Oct 31, 2018 13:10
What does $S_p$ mean?
Oct 31, 2018 13:10
And in my case the subgroup $\langle y \rangle$ of $G$ is of index $p$ because $\frac{|G|}{|\langle y \rangle |}=p$, correct?
Jan 19, 2016 22:54
And sorry for not upvoting your answer, I do not have enough reputation yet.
Jan 19, 2016 22:53
good day/night
Jan 19, 2016 22:53
yes apart from a bit in the second matrix, you use 1.0, 1.0 there as width and height, while I use gui.getWidth() / 2, gui.getHeight / 2
Jan 19, 2016 22:49
Ok, I will, thanks. If you want you can of course post a new reply with this answer on gamedev.stack and I will make it the official answer
Jan 19, 2016 22:46
Ágain i'm very grateful for you taking such a lot of time to help me
Jan 19, 2016 22:46
yeah but not the greatest of concerns
Jan 19, 2016 22:43
Thanks a lot :)
Jan 19, 2016 22:43
But rotating around the z axis works perfectly
Jan 19, 2016 22:42
In the older method I also used 2 / instead of -2 /
Jan 19, 2016 22:42
No, I had to use modelMatrix.m11 = 2.0f / .... instead of modelMatrix.m11 = -2.0f / ....
Jan 19, 2016 22:40
ok, so then I have this code
Matrix4f modelMatrix = new Matrix4f();
modelMatrix.m00 = 2.0f / (float) Display.getWidth();
modelMatrix.m11 = -2.0f / (float) Display.getHeight();
modelMatrix.m30 = -1;
modelMatrix.m31 = 1;
float height = gui....... and shader.loadModel(modelMatrix)