May 25, 2021 21:09
@FuzzyChef I think that's a typo. I've recently been looking for a microwave, and all the ones I've looked at run in the 900-1200W range, and I've never seen instructions on microwave foods for anything more than a 1200W oven.
Sep 24, 2018 15:39
@Richard habit, mostly. I didn't notice that the other hints weren't obfuscated.
Sep 24, 2018 15:39
The third one could be (rot13): Avpx Shel
Jun 5, 2017 23:49
Bringing politics into the workplace is almost never a good idea, and may reflect poorly on you in this case.
Dec 29, 2016 12:54
Your math seems a bit off, as 100-125 hours of overtime averages out to be only about 2 hours a week. The few months of working 60 hours would put it at 240 hours of overtime just for that period.