I participated in 2022 Winter\Summer Bash Starring room in order to attain the Chatterbox and Verified secret hats (their triggers are already confirmed).
I received both the hats as expected. But what's interesting is that while Chatterbox was awarded on Stack Overflow, Verified was awarded on M...
@Catija "Compete 10 Close reviews on SO (1/4th of the total elesewhere on the network) where someone else also completed the same review and the result ended up being what you chose"
@Catija "Compete 10 Close reviews on SO (1/4th of the total elesewhere on the network) where someone else also completed the same review and the result ended up being what you chose"
"Compete 10 Close reviews on SO (1/4th of the total elesewhere on the network) where someone else also completed the same review and the result ended up being what you chose"