Nathan Basanese

Mar 14, 2018 05:47
// , Keep in mind, @shitty_author that questions involving extant demographics about something people think is unsavoury are going to start looking un-pc reeeeeeally quickly, whatever the facts end up being.
Mar 14, 2018 05:47
// , This could even help those trying to describe what it would be like to have a "killer/potential killer pen" run in a scenario like Minority Report.
Mar 14, 2018 05:47
// , I think this is a good question, and it can be answered authoritatively on the basis of known manslaughter and murder demographics, as well as conviction rates and a whole slew of modern studies. A statistician and scientist back in the day had the same question, and gave a very long series of written questions to criminals to try to identify patterns. Small, unexpected things, like owning a copy of "Catcher in the Rye" ended up being common to them.
Jul 12, 2017 00:02
// , It's a challenge for the employers, too. At least, for smaller businesses.