Sep 15, 2019 14:24
I read it. It clearly says, that which is in dharma should be according to the Veda. Now if tomorrow I write my own book claiming it is from Veda. I call it my Smriti, would you treat it authoritative? You have to if it is based on Veda but reject otherwise. Since you have no backing of Veda in MS, I'm free to reject MS.
Sep 15, 2019 03:16
@Ikshvaku they are not directly from Veda. Please provide evidence.
Sep 14, 2019 19:43
@Ikshvaku Dharma shastra do conflict with each other, it is a well known fact. Its nothing new. After all dharma shastras are merely suggestions.
Sep 14, 2019 19:43
@Ikshvaku Here's what Narad Muni says in Bhagavat Purana (7.11.35): "If one shows the symptoms of being a brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya or śūdra, as described above, even if he has appeared [born] in a different class, he should be accepted according to those symptoms of classification." Was Narad Muni also influenced by Western philosophy?
Sep 14, 2019 19:43
@ram I am a Hindu and I don't believe in Manu Smriti. Manu Smriti is nothing less then a manual to divide a nation based on caste, colour, creed, sex and what not which would eventually led to its downfall. Is that what you want? For a nation to prosper, merit should be given important. That's common sense. No scripture required. It has nothing to do with Hinduism whose point of discussion is Atman. Nothing less nothing more.
Sep 14, 2019 19:43
Downvoted for misrepresenting Hinduism. There are so many obvious defects with your answer. Firstly you are comparing Hinduism with US constitution. What's the logic here? Secondly Manu Smriti is not Veda. Please be honest here. Nothing like this is mentioned in Veda. You quoted MS only because it serves your agenda and discarded thousands of other verses in Veda that says Atman lives in all.
Jan 13, 2019 15:11
@AkshayS You haven't gone through the verse I think. Lord is saying one who has realized Atman CAN NOT perform actions, let alone selfless actions.
Jan 13, 2019 15:10
@AkshayS You are going against the very meaning of this verse. Atman doesn't reside in body but everything is pervaded by Atman.
Jan 13, 2019 15:10
@AkshayS No Atman cannot perform action. This is the literal meaning of this verse.
Jan 13, 2019 15:10
@Ambi I think the conclusion by Sri Shankaracharya is fine because Sri Krishna Himself says, how can that person who has realized Atman to imperishable, immutable and unborn perform action. Therefore karma is impossible for Jnani.
Jan 13, 2019 15:10
@AkshayS Shankaracharya argues, yes its true Karma Yoga is insisted but it is only for Karma Yogies. See 3.3 where Lord says "The Blessed Lord said O unblemished one, two kinds of steadfastness in this world were spoken of by Me in the days of yore-through the Yoga of Knowledge for the men of realization; through the Yoga of Action for the yogis."
Jan 13, 2019 15:10
@ChinmaySarupria You are right, but according to Adi Shankara karma is enjoined only for ignorant. He says in His Bhashyam: "From the statement that action is impossible for man of realization it is understood that the conclusion of the Lord is that, actions enjoined by the scriptures are prescribed for the unenlightened."


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