A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
Jun 5, 2013 18:10
Oct 12, 2012 22:25
g'night all (etc) and have a good weekend (as permitted by local custom) :D
Oct 12, 2012 22:19
sigh I thought that was more politic than answering "use netcat."
Oct 2, 2012 20:27
/me threw in a different kind of answer to the OTP question.
Sep 20, 2012 14:33
@ThomasPornin I defer to your wisdom and experience in this sir :)
Sep 20, 2012 14:32
I'm all for Zen and acknowledging that human logic and reason can only get you so far ..
Sep 20, 2012 14:31
Feynman, rather
Sep 20, 2012 14:31
I believe strongly that if I was smart enough to understand it Feyman explained all of it.
Sep 20, 2012 14:30
Bah, Bohrian interpretation poppycock.
Sep 20, 2012 14:30
you can get pretty far into MAC and how SELinux tries to save the world without the C. You may need to learn their policy language or the tools that right it for you. Fedora has great tools for it.
Sep 20, 2012 14:27
Gah. The correct horse battery staple SE linked above is a deep deep rabbit hole.
Sep 19, 2012 23:26
Bah, patches ... Hammer vendors describe the world in terms of the size and shape of nails, but that doesn't mean it's so.
Sep 19, 2012 11:43
I think I saw a sharktopus in the ocean east of the bridges and the electrical station...
Sep 18, 2012 18:36
Wow, the pic on that W article link there is pretty amazing...
Sep 18, 2012 18:06
Not very, no, sorry.
Sep 18, 2012 11:39
"Use the source, Luke."
Sep 13, 2012 21:46
Well three of us have posted now and I don't think any of us have really answered his question. That's interesting I suppose:…
Sep 7, 2012 21:11
Hmm. i suppose it has been a year since BEAST now that I think of it.
Aug 31, 2012 18:20
@Gilles Ha, yes. I had to do that to my (home) ESX last night. Easy enough once I embraced the need.
Aug 31, 2012 12:23
@scottpack Lots of refreshment in Day1 but plenty of funny stories and header weirdness to enjoy.
Aug 31, 2012 12:15
That looks neat @polynomial I'll have to try and catch a few of those after I get done with my class ... adds to hmtasks
Aug 31, 2012 12:12
Now if I could only get scapy pdfdump to work :/
Aug 31, 2012 12:12
Which is why that blog post was great for me, cheers!
Aug 31, 2012 12:12
It's neat actually trying to learn skills from one of these, rather than just learning knowledge and structure .. and I'm trying to practice and fiddle outside of "class" to see if any of it is sticking.
Aug 31, 2012 12:11
Day 2 is much more binary and hexxed than Day 1, aye.
Aug 31, 2012 12:08
class recording of SANS SEC503, day 3 .. Yeah he's been awesome so far.
Aug 31, 2012 12:07
hehe, yeah. Mike Poor was talking about that on my iPod on the drive in. Some tool named like isac used to fuzz IP version in IP floods .. used for IDS,fw testing
Aug 31, 2012 12:03
if the filtering device isn't vlan aware, could be ... ponders experimental design
Aug 31, 2012 11:48
Wow, very cool blog @scottpack, thanks!
Aug 30, 2012 19:40
Does it change whether breaking the MySpace ToS is a federal crime? That's the interpretation most people are concerned about
Aug 30, 2012 14:54
I got my phd the honest if cheap way. It was about $25 USD from ULC.
Aug 30, 2012 14:19
Hehe. Yeah, there a fewer users in my home so I might be able to protect that network :D
Aug 30, 2012 14:16
Kids these days would just pop the router and fix the NAT rules first snort.
Aug 30, 2012 14:16
But we are mostly talking in both cases about reconn resistance and general opsec, I think and not resistance to attacks. Certainly not resistance to common attacks now.
Aug 30, 2012 14:14
I'm trying not to just be argumentative about that. I'd agree that split DNS does that and has positive security impact. Maybe NAT does too..
Aug 30, 2012 14:11
VLANS are faith-based, like MAC filtering, and many other L2 type things ...
Aug 30, 2012 14:09
She's watched me click NoScript 10 times to buy movie tickets enough times to not really want my advice anyway, I think :)
Aug 30, 2012 14:09
It's crap, trying to give simple answers to complex problems. The woman asked me to write us some tips about safe web use for the family ... and I couldn't come up with much that will sell.
Aug 30, 2012 14:08
Er, ++Iszi . s/VLANS/NAT #or most any other such thing.
Aug 30, 2012 14:04
Aug 30, 2012 14:01
Home users (say) want to believe what their ISPs tell them, that NAT on the gateway protects them from 'the Internet' ... anyway /soapbox
Aug 30, 2012 14:00
sigh Probably but I just hate admitting NAT has security positive effects. Like VLANs. It does (both can) but I'm wary of the 'buy a $firewall and your problems are solved' mentality that plagues the business.
Aug 30, 2012 13:57
Okay, thanks for the links :)
Aug 30, 2012 13:57
Anything I can do to complicate and improve peoples understanding of the stuff that hits their routers .. was my thinking.
Aug 30, 2012 13:56
agreeing ... was it completely off topic for the Q asked?
Aug 30, 2012 13:56
Yes, IPv6 has NAT and it may even be a good idea rather than exposing IP addresses that contain your MAC address to the Internet.
Aug 30, 2012 13:55
approved an edit to take out my smiley, sure.

 Server Fault: Improve or Close

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Nov 7, 2012 19:30
Oh, someone got it, cheers!
Nov 7, 2012 19:29
Nominating "Why do people vote questions down on here with telling you why?" for promotion to meta or just close as NARQ. Thoughts?