Is it just me, or has anyone else had issues running sudo after installing the bash updates last week? My Debian systems are fine, but the Ubuntu server at work won't let me sudo anything
Then again, I can probably answer my own question by trying to build clients using the other better supported LTSP distros like Xubuntu, just use my company's internet data cap in the process :D
Going to post a question, but before I do - Is using LTSP to serve up Lubuntu 14.04 fat clients from an Ubuntu 12.04 server sane, or am I crazy and should setup a new 14.04 server instead?
I haven't been able to replicate it, but at least one employee every day has their mouse buttons stop working, until they either restart or alt+f4 all open windows
I have a fairly compelling argument for the boss though, the server's running an old version of Zentyal, so it is unsupported and the new version happens to have high availability, which management desperately want
My boss doesn't see the point in the upgrade, so in order to it I'll need to do a hot clone of the server onto the retired server, so I have a standby/test machine
However, the plot thickens if i use a different domain that leads to the same server. I get the same issue with the domain not matching, but it lets me confirm the exception just fine