Robert Mennell

Jun 19, 2018 20:42
it confuses me too with how easy it seems
Jun 19, 2018 20:42
glad I think I helped then XD
Jun 19, 2018 20:26
now if you keep the encryption data seperate from the user table somewhere else too and use a completely different reference that can ALSO be stored on the user table, then your attack vector become even hard to break(especially if it's on a seperate provider)
Jun 19, 2018 20:25
but the base difference between the two models is that one can only compromise a single user at a time, but it's easy to figure out what user depending on attack vector, or expose multiple users and make it harder to figure out which user they are(unless you leaked that somehow too in which case it's just as bad as the first)
Jun 19, 2018 20:24
of course then it becomes what authenticated request did they make and how did your security implementation fail
Jun 19, 2018 20:23
the difference is that with the first they know they only have to compromise a single user and with the second they have to compromise a user and then check against their data.
Jun 19, 2018 20:22
if they get user | site | pass then it's safe to assume that they also need to get the user references to get a hint at who is where
Jun 19, 2018 20:22
if they get site | pass it's pretty safe to assume these are all for a single user
Jun 19, 2018 20:22
the difference is how the information is linked to each other
Jun 19, 2018 20:21
the thing becomes in both models that once that leak has happened they must now try and figure out what user they compromised. So in this aspect BOTH models are equivalent.
Jun 19, 2018 20:20
that will return several(if not all) rows
Jun 19, 2018 20:18
now realistically these will be SQL injection attacks where they malform the where clause
Jun 19, 2018 20:18
okay so imagine someone does actually manage to find a vulenerabilty, but it's a vulnerability related to SQL injection to allow them return only contents of a table(we're ignoring full take over here since that sounds like something you're already wary of and are planning to prevent)
Jun 19, 2018 20:05
Of course if each website gets a different encryption key for the password, then it's like both models are the same.

Remember security is more about implementation than anything since it's a design paradigm
Jun 19, 2018 20:05
it depends. The biggest difference between the two is what type of leak happens. If every entry fo a site's password is in a single table then you get subsequent rows leaking encrypted passwords that all require different decryption keys and thus are just mangled strings since they don't really know who is what user unless they also compromised the user table.

The other is that they get subsequent rows of the users sites passwords with each one possibly only requiring the same decryption key.
Jun 19, 2018 19:57
happy to help learn while I acn
Jun 19, 2018 19:51
Think of how your system would be compromised, that should help drive your development towards a more pointed answer
Jun 19, 2018 19:51
ah. Either of those two models will work. The problem then becomes which is faster and more maitnainable
Jun 19, 2018 19:51
Depending. You need a table for reference, then after that you can move to model. So yes you should have a single table per entity(if no other entity is required but username, then yes user)
Jun 19, 2018 19:51
after that you'll probably want an index to keep things fast on user in the passwords table
Jun 19, 2018 19:51
This is more a question about proper table organization and not so much security. Really what you're asking is how you should allocate your foreign keys on your tables so that you can realistically manage a users password(s). This should be as easy as a user table with identifier(s)[email, username] | password(and however you choose to protect it) | id(your easy to use reference that never changes), and a sites table with user(the id field from the users table as a foreign key) | site | password(two way encryption based on some user secret/other logic)
Sep 21, 2017 19:21
@Iakano says someone with a vested interest. There are MANY reasons why you should never roll your own security scheme. There are many examples why just here on Security. The default rule of thumb is unless you're going to pour the time, resources, and external objective investigation into it, you don't actually know how secure it is. That takes money. That being said there are plenty of properly implemented MFA schemes that are secure and that if done correctly should do what you want. MFA was figured out by people long ago. There's a lot of secure ways of doing it. Use one of those.
Sep 21, 2017 19:21
Probably the best answer to this is "No, you should never roll your own security schemes"
Sep 21, 2017 19:21
@Iakano If you need to write a medium post about it then it's DEFINITELY not defined enough.

 The DMZ

A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
May 26, 2016 21:16
@JeremyBanks good discussion in Meta, but I feel like there is some development that can be done to keep the site safe in spite of this all.
May 18, 2016 17:53
... There's an explain xkcd?
May 18, 2016 17:33
... I just realized I'm relating to the bun picture a little to much right now
May 18, 2016 17:15
@RoryAlsop Same. I'm not surprised at how often people just read the opening paragraph of an answer instead of the whole thing though.
May 18, 2016 16:49
I'm surprised that Crypto Is Good question isn't more popular. You'd think with such a hot button item right now it'd be really popular.
May 18, 2016 16:39
I should have that macroed as much as I have "Security Theater" macroed.
May 18, 2016 16:38
-non time denoting greeting-
May 17, 2016 23:46
... I'm genuinely interested in the event, hence why I asked. I left to setup a VPN and suddenly it explodes. I feel a little sheepish now. Many security experts travel(audits, jobs, etc.) and information on that site has been useful before. Sure it's not strictly IS related, but it is SE related, and as a part of the larger community I feel it's relevant for us to also vet those communities as well when appropriate. Sure an ad for a travel agency would be inappropriate, but this was a Stack Ad
May 17, 2016 19:51
@RoryAlsop Oh hey your thing got six votes in the community promotion ads! Walt's that event about anyways?
May 17, 2016 19:27
I don't know the specific tools or techniques you're using. I understand the security and inner workings, and algorithms. As for specific programs... I'm not that guy.
May 17, 2016 19:22
I don't know the exact circumstances so I wouldn't be able to help(and even then I probably wouldn't be able too XD)
May 17, 2016 19:18
@Developer it might be a good idea to type @username of the person who was helping you last so they can be notified.
May 17, 2016 18:08
-non time dependent greeting here-
May 17, 2016 17:49
//furiously adds Rory to the Fiends List
May 17, 2016 17:49
@RoryAlsop you fiend you!
May 17, 2016 17:41
I'm not sure I'm following here... Amount of discounts given?
May 17, 2016 17:20
"Such and Such checked in here with Wi-Fi"
May 17, 2016 17:19
FB wifi slave accounts... Might be a lucrative marketing business too.
May 17, 2016 17:08
internet access based on email instead of key. Sounds pretty legit to me.
May 17, 2016 17:08
plus to rotate users out you just remove them from the friendslist.
May 17, 2016 17:06
On a business level it'd be awesome for guest networks. Just enter your email address to a slave account, and it's in a locked down, isolated at the hardware level network with full tracking.
May 17, 2016 17:06
Depends on the use case for me. I like it on y network at home, but would like it more if I could just limit it to a specific friends list inside of the macro fiends group(s).
May 17, 2016 17:02
Granted most home users just set an open leave and forget it network... Maybe it should be opt-out by default.
May 17, 2016 16:57
granted this one is a little harder to do
May 17, 2016 16:57
But hey the same hate happens with new features all the time until proven innocent.
May 17, 2016 16:50
yes, but in a professional setting boss keys are a thing XD