Nov 16, 2024 07:09
in both languages.
Nov 16, 2024 07:08
On the other hand, you would certainly describe the pieces of carrot as "round" or "circular"
Nov 16, 2024 07:02
Well English isn't Japanese. the word "marui" is an -i word, which is is a type of word that doesn't exist in English: an adjective with tense (or a stative verb?) English adjectives can often also be nouns, so the adjective "round" is also a noun "round", with related meaning. The word is also a verb. Then again the senses of marui are no all shared by "round", in particular the sense of "gentle person".
Nov 15, 2024 23:00
It's accurate enough, but eggs are also oval.... "cut into rounds" isn't a fixed expression. It's just a description: It's a sentence I made up from the meaning of the words "cut" and "round". "cut (the carrot) into pieces that are round".
Nov 15, 2024 23:00
But this is all silly talk. You cut the carrot into rounds. You don't need to say "perpendicular" or "knife"
Nov 15, 2024 23:00
No, cuts are not "objects" they are actions. They are not three dimensional. The slices are three dimensional, but thin, so can be described as "oval". "Oval" can mean either a 2d or 3d shape. Both eggs and ellipses can be called "oval".
Mar 25, 2024 16:12
This is the nature of language
Mar 25, 2024 16:12
But, of course, this isn't a rewriting and proofreading service. I have, at times, offered other suggestions for improvement. I have sometimes answered with a frame challenge that the entire sentence is unnatural and needs to be thrown away. I didn't feel that those were justified in this case. But others might have a different opinion. But the simple fact is that there can be more than one correct response, and there might be more than one way to express an idea.
Mar 25, 2024 16:09
In your particular question, there is simply a difference of opinion. As others have noted, the best thing to do might be to rewrite the sentence completely, as it was rather wordy. But you asked a specific question, and I felt it could be specifically answered, since the pronoun referred to "women" not "membership", and so must be plural. But, more substantial reworking of the sentence would improve it.
Mar 25, 2024 16:05
What would you do on another forum if you got contradictory advice? For example on StackOverflow, if one answer said "raise an exception" and another said "return a value that signals an error"?
Mar 7, 2024 10:41
How so? Trolley problems are not "real". They are imagined scenarios in which you can discuss how a particular system of ethics applies, and if that system of ethics aligns with your intuition of what is ethical behaviour. This is totally different. This question is 50% "The OP complains about people being mean on the internet", and "45% The OP gives their opinion on abortion". There is (as minseong) says 5% of a potentially interesting question, but it is completely drowned by an argument about abortion. This question is not about abortion So most of the question should be cut!!
Mar 7, 2024 10:41
I see no question about philosophy here. Why is this question not being closed? OP, please edit to explain how this is a matter for philosophy.
Jan 5, 2024 19:13
I think a British person talking about an America car would use "boot", but a British person talking about the lead teacher of an American School would use "Principal". That's the subtle distinction I'm making. Similarly my school chose "Principal" in part to mark it as different from other schools.
Jan 5, 2024 19:13
@FumbleFingers I work at a school in which the lead teacher is styled "Principal". Whether the lead is "Headteacher" or some other term (Provost for example) is a matter for the school, not the dialect.
Nov 12, 2023 23:06
But do you now understand the relationship between Scotalnd, ENgland and the UK. This has nothing to do with the EU
Nov 12, 2023 23:05
Ironically, the UK joined eu in 1973. So joining EU didn't help car industry very much!
Nov 12, 2023 23:04
bye now
Nov 12, 2023 23:04
If the economy was destroyed then people would be poor. But people are not poor.
Nov 12, 2023 23:03
And didn't before brexit. so what.
Nov 12, 2023 23:02
The UK doesn't make many cars anymore
Nov 12, 2023 23:02
Again I say, the economy is not destroyed. the UK remains a rich country.
Nov 12, 2023 23:01
On the other hand that means that the UK gets more money. That is good for the economy.
Nov 12, 2023 22:56
Politics has moved on.
Nov 12, 2023 22:55
But this is all now ancient history.
Nov 12, 2023 22:55
I Know waht you mean by "Scotland voted to stay in EU". But the vote was a UK vote. And the decision was taken by the UK. It wasn't a separate vote in Scotland
Nov 12, 2023 22:54
I don't know what you think happened. The impact on the economy was marginal The main impact was at borders since there were queues. But the actual economy didn't change much. The UK is still a rich country.
Nov 12, 2023 22:52
So I hope this is clear now. The different countries in the UK are like Bohemia and Moravia used to be. They not independent, but have some responsibilities for their own affairs. They are part of the UK by choice.
Nov 12, 2023 22:49
Some people in Czech want to leave EU. They can't, for the same reason.
Nov 12, 2023 22:48
Constitutional matters are not a matter for the Scottish parliament
Nov 12, 2023 22:48
Some people want to rejoin (I want to rejoin) but so what? I can't because democracy
Nov 12, 2023 22:47
Scotland can't "stay in EU" because it left five years ago.
Nov 12, 2023 22:46
What does Brexit have to do with anything?
Nov 12, 2023 22:42
Do people have different accent in Bohmia or Moravia?
Nov 12, 2023 22:41
How about in Czech? Do people still identify as "Bohemian" or "Moravian"?
Nov 12, 2023 22:40
The king is a ceremonial leader. He has no real power.
Nov 12, 2023 22:40
Yes, it is strong. But distintigation is not expected. It is possible, but not likely in the short term.
Nov 12, 2023 22:34
So the UK parliament is responsible for Defence, the constitution, international relations. and Strategic matters that affect the whole UK It is also responsible for things like Education in England, Transport in England. and so on. The Scottish parliament is responsible for Education in Scotland, Transport in Scotland etc.
Nov 12, 2023 22:28
It is complex in Scotland too. About 20% identify as "both Scottish and British" and a further 10% identify as "only British".
Nov 12, 2023 22:26
I am both English and British, and European. And a Sussexite and a so on. Identity is complex
Nov 12, 2023 22:24
The situation in the UK isn't exactly the same, but it is quite close.
Nov 12, 2023 22:24
The central czechoslovak government would have overall budget responsibility, but individual regions would have local responsibility.
Nov 12, 2023 22:23
So does the Czech republic fill the Slovak budget? Of course it doesn't, Slovakia is independent. Now the situation in the UK is a little like the situation in Czechoslovakia before 1948. The regions of Bohemia, Moravia etc were separate regions within Czechoslovakia. People might consider themselves both Czech and Moravian, (identity is complex)
Nov 12, 2023 14:19
Of course not. Can I ask, where do you live? What country? I am surprised at your questions. They seem to indicate some deep misunderstanding about the relationship of England to Scotland, and the relationship of the UK to other countries. Perhaps this is because of your experience. So please tell me more about the budget where you live.
Nov 12, 2023 14:16
Yes, in general the south east part of the UK is the most wealthy. But there is a lot of local variation.
Nov 12, 2023 14:16
So, for example, The UK parliament might decide to spend more money on education in England. While the Scottish parliament decided to spend less on education in Scotland. On the other hand the Army funded by the UK government in both Scotland and England.
Nov 12, 2023 14:16
It does mean that some responsiblities of the Scottish Parliament in Scotland (etc) are held by the UK parliament in England.
Nov 12, 2023 14:16
No the opposite. UK parliament = UK parliament. There is no England Parliament. In practice tax money flows from England to the other countries.
Nov 11, 2023 19:41
Nov 11, 2023 19:40
Any way, my challenge remains. Can anyone find another example of "nine bells" being used ironically?
Nov 11, 2023 19:38
It's just that is probably not what the author meant.