Lamar Latrell

Mar 29, 2024 15:34
Have you asked ChatGpt if it can recognise its own work? Also, that KPI... ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ
Mar 21, 2024 01:27
At University I found lectures very hard to understand in realtime let alone take notes. I'd still attend them however, but sit and do coursework for that subject. Why? To pick up on info regarding labs, exams, and so on. Even so, I still picked up on enough content by osmosis. My laptop helped me do that course work.
Feb 25, 2024 06:38
Are you by chance offering a course in Game Theory with this system implemented? How would the instructor interpret the system?
Feb 20, 2024 03:41
But are they really 'currently considering all job applications'?
Feb 10, 2024 06:03
@PhilipKendall it's not very clear if you haven't made it clear in your actual answer.
Feb 10, 2024 06:03
'I was just following orders'
Feb 3, 2024 11:33
๐Ÿ› <-- ๐Ÿง  time for a break.
Feb 3, 2024 11:33
@pygosceles sup dude, you alright? You know if you're feeling overwhelmed it's ok to bow out, take a break, cuppa tea, take the dog for a walk ๐Ÿง โ˜•๏ธ๐ŸŽŸ
Jan 26, 2024 19:42
Anyone else find it hard to understand the enumerated list? Half details, half points for and against from the perspective of... who?
Jan 26, 2024 19:00
While I also wouldn't be a huge fan of meeting recordings, I question the issue of not having the ability to proofread what you say. How does not having the recording on assist in that? You'll still say what you say, people will then hear it and act on it. If it's 'mad talk' because you mistakenly said next week instead of the week after our whatever then thier first act will likely be to ask for clarification. A simple and positive event in an engaged and magnanimous workplace culture, how is yours?
Dec 16, 2023 00:44
Possibly the specific unconscious bias training programs had issues then? Good to know ๐Ÿ‘Œ.
Dec 16, 2023 00:00
I've worked in a tech team (systems engineering) that was very aware of neurodivergency in the workplace, as a team we brought more awareness on the topic to the company than HR and upper management ever did. It was awesome.
Dec 11, 2023 11:15
Wait, you're using a Q&A in order to to correct people??
Dec 11, 2023 11:15
I saw a higher frequency of spitting in public in Singapore than in Chengdu. Yes, confirmed, affirmative, correct.
Dec 11, 2023 11:15
Wait... Is this a self answered question in order to prove a commenter on an another Q&A wrong?
Dec 11, 2023 11:15
@user182601 Hong Kong before, and have worked in Chengdu since. Singapore in 2003. Many other countries otherwise. I maintain that my 'random anecdata' is true.
Dec 11, 2023 11:15
Random anecdata: I remember seeing more people spitting on the street in Singapore than anywhere else I had traveled to.
Nov 14, 2023 06:56
Freedom of curiosity. I like it ๐Ÿ™‚
Jul 7, 2023 19:02
"company-wide rule that if any employee doesn't fill in their timesheet by 5 pm each day, they would apply unpaid leave for that day" - FTS, move on.
Jun 10, 2023 08:02
@Davor agree, zero apparent pathway to becoming no longer a start-up. People basically working their arses off to make people 2 steps higher up the 'horizontal' org chart millionaires. At least, that's the idea. ๐Ÿ˜†
Jun 10, 2023 08:02
Personally, I'd set aside 1 hour to try to get some of the lower hanging fruit tasks done. At the end of the hour, completely disconnect. At least you tried, now relax
Jun 10, 2023 08:02
With my small experience with one startup, this behaviour is unsurprising for me.
May 5, 2023 17:12
I think you're in the wrong place of you're looking for definitive answers for your question. I'd suggest you personally enquire more on the topic of scientific method, and the use of models.
Mar 7, 2023 12:14
What an odd thing for your friend to bring up. I wasn't there, but to me it seems like an unnecessarily heartless thing to say. From my perspective it speaks far more about his morals than it questions yours.
Mar 1, 2023 06:54
Start writing a fiction sci-fi novel or screenplay that incorporates your ideas in to its world building?
Jan 23, 2023 18:42
Write two. One with everything you want, one with only formulas. Ditch one on exam day.
Jan 12, 2023 00:17
Did you have any concerns when they adjusted your salary higher when you told them you'd move to Seattle?
Apr 29, 2022 22:16
@gerrit I don't read that the OP is suggesting that they give up testing and travel with Covid, they're simply asking how people who do travel in the context of possible Covid and testing manage the risk around bookings and so on
Jan 7, 2022 20:51
@bob thanks for the correction! I've just noted that bulbs seem to pop/implode as if their internal pressure was substantially different than that of atmospheric. Might just be some form of cognitive bias at play! Question though, so the pressure of the Argon is near 1Atm?
Nov 18, 2021 18:05
Ah, interesting! The plot thickens - if you let it - when you consider that maybe the pride flag was influenced by the apple logo and its association with Alan Turing ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Nov 18, 2021 18:05
The plot thickens - if you let it - when you consider that Apple used to use coloured stripes somewhat reminiscent of the rainbow pride flag in their logo.
Sep 17, 2021 18:53
@darthpseudonym, ok, that's consistent enough for me to stop thinking too hard about it ๐Ÿ‘. The production design, while fun, is still a sticking point, but I can handwave that away with some form of 'everyone sees what makes sense to them'. Loki sees a bumbling bureaucracy, 'big brother' earth (represented perhaps unfairly by the trope of unpleasant bespectacled librarians and so on) as opposed to Asgard which he will naturally hold in a higher esteem ... (Or whatever ๐Ÿ˜‚)
Sep 17, 2021 18:53
Lots of question re. TVA... Why are they all human(oid), why is so much content so earth centric (disasters they reference, production design etc.). I know they sprinkle in references to Titan and Asgard, but the galaxy, let alone the universe in the context of all of time is huge right? And that's what they are claiming authority over... I'm guessing the answer to this will be a reveal later in the series
Sep 1, 2021 00:46
With a confident smile simply ask 'oh, I don't usually share that information, I'm interested, can you please tell me why you need it?'
Aug 22, 2021 09:19
@cag51 You're aware I didn't change it? Also, the OP has had ample time to consider asking, and doing so, and reporting back (or not) ... I guess they got to read it anyway ¯_(ใƒ„)_/¯. I really don't dig the whole 'moved to chat' thing, and yes, I've searched out the relevant meta. I guess, I dunno, I'm waiting for a better Q&A format to turn up.
Aug 21, 2021 02:34
@kaya3 ugh, so you're describing elements of my last workplace. I quit in part because of this. So easy to fall in to actually believing it all yourself too, path of least resistance...
Aug 21, 2021 02:34
What did your organisation say when you asked them what they meant by the term?
Jul 6, 2021 09:16
Along nicely for you to please not practice your trumpet while hiking around others.
Jul 2, 2021 00:43
I have worked in industrial automation as an engineer (theme parks and entertainment industry), just some added context for readers: nothing is 'safe', there's an infinite regression of things to consider. Discussion often amounts to discovering where each individual's threshold of risk/reward lays. As an exercise, try to justify an average roading system nowadays for 'safety'.
Jan 3, 2021 19:53
I think what @gidds and mike Scott have to say may have some merit. OP should prepare a statement to account for this in any following correspondence.
Sep 5, 2020 20:19
@Alexander Woo, please read what you've just said and imagine how I might pick it apart. There are 2 hotspots, good luck ๐Ÿ‘
Sep 5, 2020 20:19
If they're not going to be good educators then fail them?
May 14, 2019 17:41
Is there any good reason to write โ€œit is easy to seeโ€? ... Well, yes, obviously.
May 2, 2019 08:52
FWIW, in my line of work this approach doesn't work so well, as soon as you suggest that 'I'm a bit confused here', 'maybe I'm wrong but' etc. this is compared to the other parties assertion that they aren't confused and that are correct and they 'win' by subconscious default. For that reason I agree with @user .
Feb 4, 2019 06:28
Are you preempting people not perceiving your writing as 'legit' as you write it?
Nov 13, 2018 03:57
Good discussion points. I should point out that my comment was triggered by Allure's assertion that it was 'new'. In reading her statement again, I see that it is possible, if not likely, that she meant it was new to her specifically.
Nov 13, 2018 03:57
@Allure, the singular 'they' has been around since 1375 (
Aug 22, 2018 18:37
You may find the film 'The Quiet Earth' ineteresting. "A man wakes up to find himself literally alone in the world, and goes about trying to find other survivors, as well as to find out what happened."
Apr 15, 2018 03:50
I had a colleage who said 'cinches' when she meant centimetres. Me explaining that I was likely to hear 'inches' instead was meant with the response that cinches was short for 'shentimetres' (spelled phonetically) and that I should be more respectful of the fact she spoke two languages compared to my one.
Mar 15, 2018 02:07
OP, sooooo what's happened since??