Apr 14, 2023 12:14
A picture or two might be helpful.
Jul 23, 2019 05:19
I think the best answer is to use a boat.


General discussion for patents.stackexchange.com
May 27, 2017 17:46
@DonQuiKong It still isn't clear how to vote for tag synonyms. I've followed your links, I can see the suggested synonyms, but no way to vote.
Apr 19, 2017 17:12
@DonQuiKong That is to say, I found the tag synonyms, but it isn't clear what I need to do to vote.
Apr 19, 2017 17:08
@DonQuiKong Can you explain how I look at tag synonyms?
Apr 11, 2017 21:55
@DonQuiKong There are over broad applications, primarily in software. That said, the experts on software prior art are in the software sites, not patent experts. The main problem is that with software most of the prior art isn't in other patents which means the examiner may not find it. What I was trying to find out is whether there was a mechanism for Ask Patents to migrate a well formulated prior art request to a SE site where appropriate experts reside.
Apr 11, 2017 21:03
@DonQuiKong I was quite impressive how more responsive Stack Exchange Meta was. In any case, Ask Patents is really not working for prior art requests and that was one of the primary reasons for it.
Apr 10, 2017 22:01
In an effort to further discussion about how to respond to prior art requests, I posted the question to the StackExchange Meta site. It garnered a fair amount of feedback. Here is the link: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/293153/directing-prior-art-searches-from-ask-patents?noredirect=1#comment952702_293153

Please read through that question and provide feedback here. Also my question resulted in the following question on Meta StackOverflow :https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/346236/would-it-be-appropriate-to-draw-attention-to-ask-patents-software-prior-art-requ