Oct 4, 2023 23:21
I was wondering... Takes time for boots to dry. Did you really work in wet boots? I would cause such a scene, that people would avoid me after that.
Sep 29, 2023 15:12
@terdon I work with a woman from India, which has only the first name. No idea what she did to buy a plain ticket.
Jun 9, 2023 21:09
hahaha "sexism" tag. What it has to do with the question? Would men be treated different?
Mar 8, 2023 10:26
well... this is not about how to talk, but about people talking about other people behind their back. if you want to correct someone, it is those bastards. but i doubt you will succeed.
Oct 19, 2022 04:35
oh lol. meals cheaper then in other countries? i would say the prices are same as in other western countries, but drinks are (as you said) expensive
Oct 6, 2022 19:38
This would be quite bad advice to do in a company in Germany.
Jul 21, 2022 14:46
@TCooper It takes me 15 minutes to focus, if uninterrupted. So, your 45 minutes would turn into 30 effective work (if I manage to concentrate).
Jul 15, 2022 05:50
you wrote that it is sold on amazon, but you didn't tell which book is that. i never heard of such thing
Jun 22, 2022 07:23
If you read history of physic, you can see that one theory is correct, until they find something more accurate. Even that new is not 100% correct, because in my opinion this reality is just such that we will never find all secrets.
Jun 15, 2022 16:13
@Tristan No idea - it was long time ago. Normal beer is 4,5-5%. This one was 18%. I think the bar is called lupus, and they change beers every week.
Jun 15, 2022 16:13
The strongest beer (18 grad) I drank was in a bar in Delft (Netherlands), and one pint was enough to get properly drunk. Therefore suggesting 2 drinks is not a good advice :)
Jun 13, 2022 09:12
@Theodore I am so sad that your stupid comment is liked by so many people. I really hope people are not going to listen to your bad advice and involve HR.
Nov 5, 2021 17:30
How is electricity usage minimal if it has to run full load overnight?
Oct 28, 2021 00:30
very good answer. it takes 10 years to be an expect (in anything, not just programming), so I would say 3 years to be a junior may be fine
Sep 9, 2021 23:19
I am in Germany already 15 years. When I was changing job, I did lots of interviews and I never experienced such interview. I was always asked if I have questions and was taken a tour - even if they already decided. Since it is a big company, can you tell which is it?
Jan 31, 2021 23:38
@DanM. Everything he writes is difficult to read.
Jan 31, 2021 23:38
@Flater A 14 years old kid should have enough practice. Any idea how to find out those details? Take him to a doctor?
Nov 18, 2020 01:16
play games. i played memory and puzzles with my son when he was 2+
Nov 9, 2020 14:07
what is wrong with 3?
May 21, 2020 12:24
@WorkingHard_Guy Some people do 10 years 1 time, some people do 1 year 10 times. Years of experience are relevant, but not that much.
Dec 6, 2019 13:37
@nick012000 My thought as well. So many pricks posted comments to fire him over that. That is only 2 weeks holiday.
Nov 6, 2019 21:19
I never heard and would never deduce such "fact". It is good that I read your question, and will take action right now. The best is to ask your coworkers to stop breathing. If they really need to, they can do it during lunch break and after work.
Aug 16, 2019 13:32
LOL now explain a neutrino and gravitational wave to a 7years old
May 14, 2019 12:00
I can only hope that your salary doubled.
May 8, 2019 15:02
From your name, I would say Germany. While it is not nice to ask someone's salary, it is allowed by a law, even if company prevents it. In my previous company we signed a paper to prevent us discussing salaries, but that didn't prevent the discussion. So, in which country do you live? From where is this woman?
Mar 19, 2019 07:55
@JMac Nothing stops you from forwarding their CV, or even helping them with job application. Telling a friend that he is bad, is not a good way to keep friends. Friend or not, they still have to pass the interview. BTW what consequences can you have if your friend behave like a jerk?
Mar 19, 2019 07:55
This is a perfect way to lose a friend. So I do not understand how so many people voted up so bad answer.
Dec 4, 2018 21:46
@phresnel For me it is still not clear. Where is the company located? Why is english required? If he knows for 25 years that the language is a big obstacle in his career development, then he doesn't deserve to get it.
Dec 4, 2018 21:46
25 years of working in english speaking company, and his language knowledge is weak? o0
Nov 7, 2018 16:08
Out of curiosity, do you check everything? For example, do you hate Trump? I know that 95% of german newspaper and shows are strongly against Trump, and cite only things to show him in bad light. How do you feel about Assad? Gadafi? etc.
Jul 16, 2018 22:43
Do you talk to someone above your boss? Are you having together lunch or something? Can you mention to him that you (as a team) got some ideas how to improve software? Maybe after that he wants to hear more. Clearing SW debt is SW improvement after all.
Jul 16, 2018 22:43
Your question doesn't make sense. If higher management wants to clear technical debt, your manager should come with a plan. Why do you need to convince him?
Jul 13, 2018 10:52
Smart people do not pay 10% church taxes.
Jun 27, 2018 16:32
You do not really answer the question. You just stated that you would refuse - the same thing as the asker already stated in the question.
Jun 4, 2018 11:44
what is your position?
Apr 25, 2018 21:03
@pipe No, I am not in US, therefore my answer is most likely wrong. That is why I wrote a comment, and not an answer.
Apr 25, 2018 21:03
Contrary to the answer with most vites, I do not find it weird, but I live in Europe. Maybe do not bring them all at once, and at the end of the day?
Apr 24, 2018 22:32
@Snow He can always copy the file, and open on another PC. Or open just before destroy the old HD.
Apr 12, 2018 09:04
lets not forget Libya
Mar 27, 2018 08:05
Are you serious? 64 characters long password? You must be crazy if you have to type that whenever is needed (screen lock, log in, etc).
Feb 26, 2018 17:32
@RobJeffries First of all, I think that it is impossible to answer such question for many reasons. Second, consider for example, solar system. The closest star is 4 LY away. If both system are 2 light hours in size, then just imaging how small they are compared to a distance between them. Also, there is space between galaxies.
Feb 26, 2018 16:09
Considering how big space is, and between stars there is just nothing, your answer sounds like a garbage. It is true there are many stars, but they are just small spots in huge void.
Dec 7, 2017 08:14
@Narusan That was a half-joke, therefore a comment. Being asked by a chef later "did you finish X?" wouldn't be so funny.
Nov 13, 2017 22:25
@EricDuminil You probably live in a different reality, where the german language as simple as it gets. Even after finishing B2 with 97% marks, speaking every day, some times I have problems understanding my colleagues (ok, they speak mostly schwabisch).
Oct 17, 2017 13:45
1/8 of german parlament is controlled by neo-nazis? We must have been living in different realities. As for your answer and question: I find it quite sleezy.
Aug 1, 2017 18:59
Rather than saying that it is being unprofessional, I would say that such behavior is unacceptable.
Jul 29, 2017 00:03
So, you just started programming, and think a senior engineer can learn something from you? Come on. So far (in my 16 years of experience) I never saw a code from an intern to go into production.
Jul 29, 2017 00:03
@sh5164 Why are you throwing an opportunity to learn something? If I was an intern, and told me to work on code, I would do it. You still didn't answer why do you care what he does? If he throws all your code to garbage, it is his decision.
Jul 29, 2017 00:03
Why do you care? If I was in his shoes, I wouldn't like that some interns tell me what to do.