Jun 11, 2020 08:23
@user2647513 "How do you prove that evidence doesn't exist".. Well, let's say that there is no evidence that evidence exist. Or do you want a mathematical proof of this as well?
Jul 3, 2019 12:41
Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? Take what is thine and go thy way
Jan 10, 2019 19:42
@Separatrix Cool, thank you! Worth noting than the one may not want to use the modern term in the story
Jan 10, 2019 19:42
Is this a modern invention/discovery? The Wikipedia link shows it's named after a metallurgist born in 1850
Jun 14, 2018 14:48
@SeanBurton You are right. That wasn't the case I had in mind, but it's still a point. I will elaborate into an answer later
Jun 14, 2018 14:48
I don't understand... Normally in this situation you don't have an account on service A, that's why you use a token from service B in the first place
Mar 29, 2018 20:48
How can a system that didn't exist before the Renaissance be the 'default' ?
Feb 15, 2018 08:07
Isn't this an issue for the safety of the employee? I guess that someone can die after eating 75 McDoubles, can't they?
Sep 21, 2017 15:00
@AlexP I'd like the examiner to be a human if possibile. Maybe the examination board believe the failed examiner to be lying so blatantly that they not even bother trying biological tests?
Aug 9, 2017 02:30
Aug 1, 2017 22:50
I don't understand why the title had to be edited. 'Black' is not politically uncorrect
Nov 14, 2016 20:00
@TessellatingHeckler Happy users become unhappy very quickly when critical secrets of theirs are exposed due to lack of security in your system
Nov 14, 2016 20:00
@BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft I'm no Russel's chicken, so cannot be sure! However, they usually report that password was something like theirname123!!
Oct 5, 2016 18:52
The tenant normally gets a receipt from you, doesn't she?
May 6, 2016 17:29
Did the signed contract allow them to do that?