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Oct 11, 2018 03:32
the function is continuous on the set E*
Oct 11, 2018 03:32
is "f restricted to the set E is continuous" the same thing as saying that $the function if continuous on the set E"
Sep 13, 2018 22:13
In the last displayed equation, how do they get \mu^*(E)+\epsilon\ge \mu(B\cap A)+\mu(B\cap A^c)\ge \mu^*(E\cap A)+\mu^*(E\cap A^c)?…
Sep 8, 2018 23:56
@LeakyNun for all b when b is m^ast(E+a). I thought that quantity was fixed here
Sep 8, 2018 23:55
@LeakyNun Why does it make sense to talk about
Sep 8, 2018 23:43
@LeakyNun I understand the logic in what you wrote, but what plays the role of b in my question?
Sep 8, 2018 22:05
I agree with equation 1, and I also think that m*(E) \leq \sum(l(I_n)).
Sep 8, 2018 22:04… on this proof how does equation * follow?
Dec 30, 2015 18:32
Why did Springer pull the free book thing? (