Herringbone Cat

Jan 26, 2017 00:01
if you're using a web based proxy redirector ..then well, it'll be evident to the user (albeit less technical ones will not notice), and javascript checks in the browser for URL can call out this attack on the bank side
Jan 26, 2017 00:00
so yes, if you're using an EvilAP attack to try to catch bank credentials..mitm proxy is going to give you an error once the banks' server gets involved
Jan 26, 2017 00:00
hey chris. just took a field trip to our roof to let in the AC contractor. oh the joys of information systems management :-)
Jan 25, 2017 23:48
@ChrisFCarroll I'm not sure how you accomplish (1) without ARP or DNS spoofing? Unless you're describing an "Evil AP" attack where you are the access point, as opposed to hacking pre existing public wifi? In either case, in this scenario the user will see the URL for your proxy server -- as use of mitmproxy or similar tool that wouldn't show your URL would result in a clear certificate error.
Jan 25, 2017 23:48
@ChrisFCarroll I'm a bit fuzzy on the details of this attack vector..you're talking about spoofing a landing "splash" page for when users join the WiFi network? Or are you talking about staging a CSRF attack? For HSTS, If you had previously visited the site on that device, HSTS would not allow you to access the HTTP version.
Jan 25, 2017 23:48
@symcbean I'm drawing on experience from Credit Suisse and Citibank specifically, and opinions of director level individuals I interfaced with there. No, I don't work at Google or FB or anything like that.
Jan 25, 2017 23:48
@symcbean perhaps I should edit my answer to make this more clear, but 3% on a blog site visited by a handful is not a lot, but 3% when you have a few hundred servers is much more significant. I agree though, this is an outdated practice that should be put to rest in favor of TLS-only.
Jan 25, 2017 23:48
@AndréBorie It's nonsense for small scale sites, but when you're getting large amounts of hits, it translates to huge sums of money in these big environments. <sarcasm> That could be added to the CEO's bonus! </sarcasm>
Jan 25, 2017 23:48
@GeorgeBailey thanks, I've edited the sentence to read clearer. Sometimes my sed syntax beats my English syntax. :)

 The DMZ

A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
Mar 21, 2016 22:54
@etherealflux and i thought david pogue was a moron, that is just assenine
Mar 21, 2016 22:52
There's probably at this point far more people making their livelihoods implementing the facebook API, than let's say, implementing RFCs for DNS servers
Mar 21, 2016 22:51
@DavidFreitag the movement away from standards defined by IETF and putting API and control into hands of private enterprise is a shitty direction the internet has moved in the last decade
Mar 21, 2016 22:22
I like how @SEJPM probably knows the answer to this but is asking to farm rep since it's a salient new vulnerability :)
Mar 18, 2016 19:17
This is why I'm hoping to port google glass code into a new product called google ass. It's the first SmartAss. It'll let you share TMI to facebook including your weight before/after poo, etc
Mar 18, 2016 19:13
@DavidFreitag They are also fond of making you drink a bottle of castor oil and having you poop your brains out for days as a result.
Mar 18, 2016 19:05
that's what happens when you get mafioso IT support
Mar 18, 2016 19:05
400000 deployed systems is like a massive chunk of the home internet service in Italy, too
Mar 18, 2016 18:43
@RоryMcCune agreed..also why I have google drive disabled :) anything you can hit one click and accidently autocomplete a HIPAA violation is no bueno
Mar 18, 2016 18:42
there's a reason why I don't allow my developers to use github or any non-hosted-by-us repositories.
Mar 18, 2016 18:42
@MarkBuffalo there are soooo many private keys in github it's ridiculous
Mar 18, 2016 18:40
Mar 18, 2016 18:40
Give me another year.
Mar 18, 2016 18:40
I'm getting there.
Mar 18, 2016 18:38
Look more like Kasier Wilhelm here.
Mar 18, 2016 18:38
Mar 18, 2016 18:38
I'm trying to grow out my mustache tails.
Mar 18, 2016 18:34
@ThomasPornin In my defense, I get a lot of right swipes. :)
Mar 18, 2016 18:33
@ThomasPornin I believe I'm squarely in the third category.
Mar 18, 2016 18:29
I'd imagine it would require some custom color scheme profiling etc to be actually useful
Mar 18, 2016 18:29
@ThomasPornin the syntax highlight works well in bash and python but for C, meh
Mar 18, 2016 18:28
Don't want to be a meme :)
Mar 18, 2016 18:28
I have a beard, however, I'm careful to shave most of the neck portion.
Mar 18, 2016 18:27
so the new-schooled bearded unix people could be condescending toward sthe monochrome era people
Mar 18, 2016 18:27
@ThomasPornin let's not forget vim with ANSI colour
Mar 18, 2016 18:25
Nano is like a toyota prius with an automatic. Vi is like a freaking rocket ship with a manual transmission and tons of blinking knobs.
Mar 18, 2016 18:20
yeah sed comes in real handy sometimes, it's the right tool for most script substitution jobs
Mar 18, 2016 18:20
vi actually taught me sed syntax, which I've used in scripts countless times
Mar 18, 2016 18:19
@DavidFreitag i thought so too! then i was able to use sed/awk etc in syntax and get stuff done real fast in a pinch. it's one of thsoe things that wasn't ever an issue until i realized it. but that's my experience
Mar 18, 2016 18:18
@DavidFreitag it's just that nano can't do so much of the command-line oriented stuff vi can.
Mar 18, 2016 18:16
yes, i spoke just like you at one point. i was like nah i want my pico vi is too much of a PITA. then i had to learn vi because there was no port of nano available on solaris systems I had to admin. never looked back.
Mar 18, 2016 18:16
@DavidFreitag the thing is vi is very intuitive when you get used to the commands, because it's made for a keyboard w/ no mouse. once you get over the hump it really is awesome.
Mar 18, 2016 18:15
@DavidFreitag vi would be faster ;)
Mar 18, 2016 18:14
@Iszi my dad made me learn at 5. so when people put k eyboards on dvorak mode, i'm like "WTF IS THIS?!!? the sky is falling!"
Mar 18, 2016 18:14
@Iszi actually i'm not..as far as I know, i'm one of the fastest qwerty typists out there ;)
Mar 18, 2016 18:13
@DavidFreitag the snark is strong in me today
Mar 18, 2016 18:13
@DavidFreitag that's called echo "text" >>file
Mar 18, 2016 18:13
like, your speed in vi will be faster than it is in notepad++ etc
Mar 18, 2016 18:13
@DavidFreitag yeah, really, as just a text editor! so easy to find/replace or to edit inline and move things..once you get use dto it, your speed will increase greatly.
Mar 18, 2016 18:12
@Iszi highly relevant xkcd ;)
Mar 18, 2016 18:12
@DavidFreitag believe it or not it'll save you a lot of time because it's so powerful.