Jun 21, 2023 20:31
what does PIP stand for?
May 31, 2019 17:04
It seems the people who are writing the answers are hurrying up to show off their math knowledge before even reading the question fully... What part of middle school level don't they understand?
Feb 19, 2019 19:21
Get yourself a private room in a Hostel and you'll get your kitchen!
Nov 11, 2016 11:06
Besides, what the hell is wrong with A? I mean that is some psycho behavior right there. Didn't the police dig up some antecedent cases related to A?
Nov 10, 2016 19:19
@rath the tag says united-states but maybe it refers to the flag. Maybe the OP lives in another country? the missing information makes it kind of invalid
Oct 21, 2015 14:19
I have the feeling that this website sometimes encourages people to not use their brain
Oct 21, 2015 14:18
so next time I use my lab's printer to print 1 or 2 pages of something for personal use and then feel guilty about it, I come to stackoverflow and ask a question instead of talking directly with the lab's responsible about the printer's usage policy?
Oct 21, 2015 14:16
okay, Obsolete content though...
Oct 21, 2015 14:10
Yes but the question is : should he feel guilty or not, isn't that psychology?
Oct 21, 2015 13:58
yes and?
Oct 21, 2015 13:50
Seriously, I am wondering why this question academia.stackexchange.com/questions/56543/… and other similar get so many upvotes...