Nov 24, 2021 14:57
Are you asking about platform with double sided SPD , platform with SPD one side?
Oct 19, 2021 15:35
@Aequitas. Quite easy actually, they are behind you, driving faster than you they start to overtake. When they are still beside you they turn into you. You never got to see their rear bumper. This is very different to passing you (You see their rear bumper) then pulling into your lane.
Oct 19, 2021 15:35
@Micheal, ...then get back in the car, catch up to you and mow you down. The act of opening the boot is criminal in many countries (locked or not), and I would presume driving charges would be on the table if the Police got involved.
Jun 9, 2020 16:42
sudo allows an account to perform certain actions at elevated privileges that it would not normally be able to perform. The fact lazy admins regularly deploy systems with all users from any terminal being allowed to run any command is not a problem with sudo. Sudo is therefore only as useless as the admins that depoly it.
Oct 1, 2019 16:51
Ask you mum/wife/daughter if they would like something meaningful on your headstone, something like "Here Lies ---, died asserting cyclists rights to use the road" - Because when your actions put an amygdala in charge of 2 tonnes of steel and plastic, the possibly can suddenly become very real.
Aug 16, 2018 14:46
After the event, pros have a team of sports professionals from real doctors specializing in injury recovery to physios and massage therapists. Not to mention the medication they have available is a step or ten up from over the counter analgesics
Mar 26, 2018 14:24
Most of this answer is over simplified to the point of incorrect, Unfortunately the arguments lead to a correct recommendation making the flawed premise look valid. I am not a betting man, but I put $1000 in it I can stop my full sus MTB quicker than anyone here on a road bike.
Nov 7, 2017 21:54
@bobo2000: My guess (based on decades of experience) they don't fill it in because, in their minds, its a bureaucratic waste of time. You need to show them the business value the information provides. Ideally, show how it adds value to them, but at least show it adds value to the business. If you cannot show the value it adds, there is an entire conversation needed that is probably the route cause of this problem.
Oct 26, 2016 12:31
You could go to mechanical disks (e.g. BB7's) if you don't want to deal with hydraulics. Also MTB's a loosing the front deraileur, with insane rear clusters e,g, SRAM have a 12 speed 10-50, and 11 speed 11-42 common, so loosing the front mechanical is entirely possible, so with a problem solver you could use a brifter on a MTB rear.
Sep 5, 2014 21:06
The responses to my comment prove one thesis I have. Many programmers are geeks who would rather argue median vs average and bell curves rather than laugh at a joke. My guess is they are the ones that put themselves at the top of the bell curve (that is not a joke).
Sep 5, 2014 21:06
Half of all programmers are below average capability. Most programmers think they are above average capability. Therefore, as you are a better programmer than average, the chances are the maintainer will be below your capability. Commenting code you barely understand will likely not help him with this disability so you have to fix the code.