Dan Henderson

Aug 7, 2024 19:58
The argument, then, is that the presence of "limit 1 per household" in a T&C doesn't automatically mean that creating an additional account inherently invokes a (mis)representation of "nobody in my household has ever used this promo code".
Aug 7, 2024 19:53
I think there's some confusion here because the word claim is being used in multiple different senses. @littleadv in your comment 3 up from mine you said "Bob is claiming something that is not true" which you are definitely correct in that it is fraud. But in your comment directly above mine you're talking about "claiming" the discount. Here, the word claim simply means "redeem" or "apply".
Oct 27, 2023 19:33
@mmmmmm Nope, it's right there at the top: "The number of fatalities per [measurement]"
Dec 21, 2022 19:54
From "Doxing" Wikipedia article: "Historically, the term has been used interchangeably to refer to both the aggregation of this information from public databases and social media websites (like Facebook), as well as the publication of previously private information obtained through criminal or otherwise fraudulent means (such as hacking and social engineering). The aggregation and provision of previously published material is generally a legal practice, though it may be subject to laws concerning stalking and intimidation." So actually it is doxing, it's just (arguably) not illegal doxing.
Jul 14, 2022 19:49
@user253751 not the right comparison. You should be comparing the probability of getting a ticket between admitting and not admitting, which is different from denying.
Sep 17, 2020 11:39
On the flip side, since they're doing it individually via Zoom, it could actually make it easier for the teacher to grant an informal exemption, as this could occur without any of the other students being aware of one child's non-participation.
Sep 30, 2019 01:47
@jqning comments are supposed to be treated as "temporary post-it notes" on an answer and may be deleted at any time. So it's not correct to assume that "the reader will see this additional info in the comments". If comments provide information that can improve the post, then that information should be incorporated into the post before those comments get deleted. Further, we should always assume that all comments will eventually be deleted. (Unless Law.SE has a different policy on this matter?)
May 6, 2018 02:31
"These are not criminals..." In a dystopian dictatorship, they might officially be criminals, even though they aren't criminal-type people.
Mar 26, 2018 00:42
To say "I love cakes" would carry the specific implication that what you love is the type of cake that you can eat all of at once (e.g. cupcakes), to the exclusion of also loving e.g. sheet cake. But saying "I love cake" does not seem to carry the opposite implication.
Dec 2, 2017 02:32
@kviiri I'm just not there with you the "not foreseeable" nature of the act.
Dec 2, 2017 02:32
@kviiri if "GM's choice" = "whim" then D&D is inherently whimsical. Well over 50% of all that happens in a campaign is at the discretion of the GM. (And just to preempt this counterargument: If the GM uses randomizer tables to generate content, runs published adventures, etc., then the decision to use those materials is still a GM choice.)
Sep 20, 2017 13:51
@Malcolm ah, well when I said "except that big retailers won't typically distribute a game rated AO", I was still talking about the USA.
Sep 20, 2017 13:51
@Malcolm from en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhunt_2 "the game... was refused classification in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and was given an Adults Only (AO) rating in the United States. As Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony Computer Entertainment do not allow AO titles on their systems, this effectively would have banned the game in the US as well. In response to these ratings problems, Rockstar censored the game... This edited version was rated M in the US by the ESRB."
Sep 20, 2017 13:51
@Malcolm Nobody really cares about ratings on video games in the USA either, except that the big retailers won't typically distribute a game rated AO. But AFAIK nobody enforces anything at the point of sale - if a 12-year-old has the cash, they can buy a game rated M.
Sep 16, 2017 15:36
...And then the fix would be e.g. "changed hover style color from #ff00ff to #ff0000"
Sep 16, 2017 15:36
@Shane Well, no, for example with the cause I listed of "referenced constant instead of variable" that would be where the variable is what should have been referenced, so the fix would be "adjusted foo to reference variable". Likewise with my example cause of "started loop at index 1 instead of 0" I meant that in that hypothetical, 0 was the correct index to start at, so the fix would be "modified loop to start at index 0". But my point was that if the bug is "this link turns pink when I mouse over it" then the cause is not "mouse over this link", it's "wrong color set in hover style".
Sep 16, 2017 15:36
@Shane "steps to reproduce" ≠ "cause of problem". The cause might be something like "referenced constant instead of variable" or "started loop at index 1 instead of 0".
Jul 7, 2017 17:17
@WoJ you might have missed the other half of Bergi's comment: "Of course this needs security measures/improvements such as limiting the time in which the token can be used, making it long enough not to be easily remembered by shoulder-surfers, and requiring to choose a new password when the reset happens, but all of those would be possible with a "plaintext password" as well."
Jul 5, 2017 09:55
@Jeroen Based on the number of upvotes on your comment, you should definitely have submitted it as an answer.
Feb 27, 2017 11:17
I wanted to add an answer, but mine would in fact be opinion-based. But this has the potential to be a good question, and I do want to see evidence-based answers to it. If people post opinion-based answers, those answers will be downvoted, but I would also not recommend closing.
Jan 23, 2017 17:09
@JoeStrazzere your last sentence is essentially what my answer would have been if I had seen this question before it got so many answers.
Aug 1, 2016 19:12
A particularly good type of alternative damage is a poison that reduces strength. This won't significantly impair the mage or the rogue, but a fighter that can't hit anything is not having any fun in the next combat.
Jul 28, 2016 04:01
As for GURPS or Seventh Sea, I don't really know anything about those systems, so they wouldn't really matter to me. For 5e, I can guarantee you won't find proof that drinking a liquid is the same as drinking a potion, because PHB 190: "Here are a few examples of the sorts of thing you can do in tandem with your movement and action: ...drink all the ale in a flagon".
Jul 28, 2016 03:57
@HeyICanChan If you did find a clear, official reference in 3.5e for that, then yeah, because my Pathfinder investigation only found a fairly obscure reference - my primary position is "it's not clear, and thus it's DM's choice" but for a RAW-centric group who wanted an answer, I'd have to fall back on my last set of comments.
Jul 27, 2016 22:07
One more thing: the text on drinking a potion calls out the fact that you have to uncork the potion, which explains why it requires more effort than drinking out of a stein.
Jul 27, 2016 22:05
That said, I did some research on alcohol in Pathfinder, and after reading the articles on Drunken Rager, Drunken Master, Order of the Flagon, and Fast Drinker, it's clear that the standard action default for drinking is only described as part of a class feature's activation. Outside of those specific contexts, there's only one mention of the action economy of drinking a non-magical liquid, in the Drink Is Life feat, which says it's a move action by default.
Jul 27, 2016 22:05
@HeyICanChan 3.5e applies because Pathfinder is derived from 3.5e (just check the tag wiki). I mentioned 5e because unlike 3.5e and Pathfinder, neither of which explicitly address mundane beverage drinking in their core rules, 5e does address the topic very intentionally. 5e's "free object interaction" rule most closely aligns with 3.5e/Pathfinder's move actions.
Jul 27, 2016 16:07
@HeyICanChan to be fair, the game doesn't equate drinking alcohol to consuming a potion. 5e, in fact, specifically distinguishes between them (drinking a potion is "an action" while drinking an entire flagon of ale is "a free object interaction on your turn". 3.5e doesn't draw this distinction, but neither does it explicitly say that they're identical; thus, drinking ale is undefined, and up to DM discretion.
Jul 27, 2016 16:07
@HeyICanChan well, in my campaigns, drinking in a bar can be a move action if there's nothing compelling you to drink particularly quickly, such as combat. It's one of those common sense situations.
Jul 27, 2016 16:07
@HeyICanChan outside of combat, that's not really a concern, though. If you can open and close doors, pick up objects, walk, stand up and sit down, you're not going to look all that suspicious in the tavern.
Jul 27, 2016 16:07
Counterpoint: since you can concentrate on the spell for up to 10 minutes per level, you could easily, say, duck into an alleyway, cast Detect Magic, then step out while maintaining concentration. I haven't ever read anything that indicates you have to continue verbalizing or somaticizing in order to maintain concentration on an ongoing spell.
Jul 20, 2016 11:59
@nvoigt I just suggested an edit to your first paragraph, which I hope will come across a bit more clear than your previous wording, while still illuminating the conflict's existence. Feel free to revert if you disagree! :)
Jul 20, 2016 05:25
Note that for the second HDD method it's (potentially) possible to recover data even without special hardware; you really just need a custom driver for the disk controller to make the drive do essentially what @gjsmo describes, but to read instead of erase.
Jul 14, 2016 21:58
@Scott Piracy is not theft. This doesn't mean it's legal, moral, or ethical, it just means it's a separate, distinct thing from theft. Using the word "theft" to refer to unauthorized duplication of data is a poor choice because it opens the door for someone who understands this distinction to undermine your credibility. Piracy might actually be less common if it were not so often inaccurately called "theft", allowing the fact that it's not theft at all direct attention away from the more important issue of whether or not one should do it.
Apr 14, 2016 18:20
@Luaan Ok, so when I read "Do not let yourself be persuaded by such comical flicks as Buffy the Vampire Slayer" I interpreted this as an assertion that BtVS misrepresents the inability to enter uninvited, but actually, your intent was an assertion that BtVS misrepresents the character of a vampire. Is that correct?
Apr 14, 2016 18:20
@Luaan Vampires in BtVS are subject to this limitation, so it doesn't make a very good counterexample as you attempt to use it.
Apr 14, 2016 07:11
@TomášZato Ok, maybe I used a bad example with the .lnk. How about "renaming Cover Letter (2).doc to Cover Letter"? And, yes, I know they improved the UI with W7 to make the rename action preselect the filename without extension, reducing the likelihood of this mistake. But it can still happen if you're trying to keep part of the original name.
Apr 14, 2016 07:11
@DarrelHoffman As I started reading your comment, I began preparing to respond that you actually can intentionally change an extension when they are hidden, but then I saw that you took care of that for me. :)
Apr 14, 2016 07:11
@DarrelHoffman There are benefits to the "hide extensions" option, though (whether those benefits outweigh the drawbacks is another question). For example, when "hide extensions" is turned on, it's impossible to accidentally change a file's extension as part of a rename operation. I know a lot of amateur computer users that did things like renaming Shortcut to Microsoft Word.lnk to Microsoft Word, which "broke the computer".
Apr 14, 2016 01:52
My apartment is less than 50 years old, but I had a lot of problems making things I hung on the walls look right, because most of my corners (both wall-to-wall and wall-to-floor/ceiling) are pretty far from 90°. You don't notice it until you hang a painting and see that its sides can't be made parallel to both of the supposedly-vertical things to either side of it, at the same time.
Apr 12, 2016 16:27
I don't know well this might be received, but you could take a few minutes to educate your students on the wonderful substances known as "Beano" and "Gas-X". Maybe they dislike the flatulence themselves, but their enjoyment of Chipotle outweighs the aftereffects, in their mind, and maybe they are unaware that there's a very inexpensive option available to prevent/remedy the situation.
Mar 30, 2016 23:05
@jimm101 I proposed an edit that should help to reduce the perceived contradiction here.

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
Mar 28, 2016 21:18
How can you not like Cadbury Creme Eggs?
Mar 28, 2016 21:15
Ok maybe I exaggerated with "decades". But by "Square" I meant Square/Squaresoft/Square Enix
Mar 28, 2016 21:11
Chrono Trigger?
Mar 28, 2016 21:11
@Yuuki Mana series?
Mar 28, 2016 21:08
Also, I haven't seen a worthwhile Square title on a Nintendo system in decades.
Mar 28, 2016 21:07
Problem is that their first-party line isn't necessarily quite broad enough to drive me to shell out for each console generation
Mar 28, 2016 21:05
@Yuuki Hmm, well put!
Mar 28, 2016 21:03
@Yuuki Ok so actually it turns out that Pokemon is second-party