Winter Bash 2020

discussion & mask/hat hunting
Dec 17, 2020 12:05
yeah, a single vote seems to be enough
but not sure if the post has to have specific properties
Dec 17, 2020 11:49
has anyone gotten the oil hat on meta?
Feb 3, 2016 14:57
@pinkfloydx33 good observation. I assume you are correct but will tweak the code in main to verify. As is each person needs to run there own instance so there are no such issues
Feb 3, 2016 14:57
@JörgWMittag I plan on trying, but short of creating a separate class for each cup size I'm not sure how to get of every last conditional. To constrain them to main - maybe, but not all. If you have time to go into more detail that would be much appreciated
Feb 3, 2016 14:57
@serbanghita :) thanks for catching that. If only you would know how bad my spelling used to be ;)
Feb 3, 2016 14:57
@radarbob would you like to elaborate please?
Feb 3, 2016 14:57
@JesseC.Slicer good point. If I find something prebuilt, I'll switch to that. Otherwise I may just drop the whole temperature bit as enough people will drink coffee that has cooled to the point of cold
Feb 3, 2016 14:57
@Mat'sMug yeah, just thought maybe I missed something
Feb 3, 2016 14:57
@Mat'sMug on the mug or my code? :)