Chinese Language

For students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the f...
Aug 5, 2015 06:20
予以 cannot appear by itself, it cannot appear before a noun, it cannot be used in a v-not v question. It is not a very verb-like word, unlike 給, which is a typical verb.

So Where **can** you use 予以? Only in front of a verb. This is also different from the verb 給, which does **not** appear in front of other verbs.

Note that 給 as a **co-verb** can be different. In particular, 給 in some dialects is equal to 被. Only in this case can 給 appear in front of a verb (I think).

You would like to interpret 予以 as 給 in a sentence like this:
Aug 5, 2015 06:19
Syntactically, 予以 is not the same as 給. Here are some examples

- 給吧    X 予以吧
- 給他吧   X 予以他吧
- 給不給   X 予以不予以
Jul 28, 2015 00:00
I'll stop by for the next couple of days to see if someone wants to discuss the use of 等.