Jul 29, 2020 08:30
"I imagine that, if it's in the Northern hemisphere, it'll act like an enormous sundial". Won't sundials work everywhere on a planet, though? The shadow just goes the other way in the southern hemisphere. On equator, it would still work; you would just have to measure the length of the shadow instead of its angle
Oct 18, 2018 14:25
"Portals can't be moved while active". Do you mean they will turn themselves off if they start moving, or that they are physically unable to be moved? In the latter case, what would happen if you plug one in on a high speed train? Would it just stop dead relative to earth and be destroyed by the moving train? Or would the train be destroyed by suddenly hitting a stationary object inside it?
Feb 2, 2018 13:57
If it's not asking for admin rights, it's also not getting admin rights