Jun 10, 2023 08:02
@Roland The implicit question is "How do I deal with this situation?"
Mar 2, 2022 22:25
@RogerVadim Good point but then you should have written 'jumped OFF a bike into the canal' instead of 'Jumped ON a bike', which implies you are referring to getting out of town when the warning sirens go off.
Mar 2, 2022 22:25
"not enough time to jump on a bike." The question hypothesises that there is 16 minutes warning before the bomb detonates.
Dec 31, 2018 23:31
Odd that the OP works in IT... 😕
Dec 12, 2016 10:59
There's also a lot of 'spin' in the video - I stopped watching after he said that Saudi Arabia sponsored terrorism as the majority of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi citizens. You could also say that the US itself sponsors terrorism as the 9/11 terrorist pilots were trained in the US and use US flights.
Dec 12, 2016 02:26
@Holger I know - I was being rhetorical. I don't do CPU design and I'm willing to accept that there's a really good reason why CPUs and their associated circuitry still use 2 states. I'm sure that those who do would love to be able to increase storage density by any factor.
Dec 12, 2016 02:26
@Mrkvička So why aren't computers using base 10? Or 20 or 30? Just think of the storage density that could be obtained.
Dec 12, 2016 02:26
@TheGreatDuck I'm pretty sure computers using binary due to the voltage thing as kingledion said - a computers memory unit can either be on or off, 0 or 1.
Sep 22, 2016 17:18
I would try and twist the situation - maybe he believes he can stop time, but he's actually doing something else and appears that he stopped time, but he doesn't realise it. (not sure what - I need to think about it. Perhaps temporarily change the speed of light to 0, so nothing can move etc). then use the twist is some odd way to kill him. This idea sort of comes from a SF book where someone has an anti-gravity suit and leaps off a high building on a space station to float to the ground. Unfortunately the 'gravity' is actually centrifugal force caused by spin and...splat.
Sep 6, 2016 04:08
A friend bought it back when he went to Berlin very shortly after the wall fell. My price is about 1cmx1cmx3cm.
Sep 6, 2016 04:08
Well I've got a piece...
Jun 7, 2016 22:10
So you say you believe that a 'true scholar has no interest in these things, which is why you reject them. Not because you have no interest in them, but because you are trying to emulate a 'true scholar'. Are you not tacitly admitting that you are not a true scholar? In which case you should accept them.