Mar 11, 2023 08:39
@Kilisi a (potential) employer should provide adequate tooling, be it in the form of preinstalled hardware, an online development environment, images or VMs, scripts, and in the last case documentation for how to set one up. Given the many different environments and configurations that can exist within one company, it would be wasteful to be ready for anything, at home. I just find your "red flag" remark kind of weird. And that's coming from a developer who has multiple machines capable of building for various languages and environments, at home.
Mar 11, 2023 08:39
@SnakeDoc that was not the claim, it was that one should already have one.
Mar 11, 2023 08:39
@Kilisi why do you find software engineers without a ready-to-go "lab environment" a red flag? Is it expected from developers to make their hobby into their job or vice versa?
Nov 15, 2022 18:27
Are you on medication? Do you use drugs? Do you have a CO detector?
Jun 9, 2022 15:36
@JonathanReez depends on your definition of "better". Sure it may accelerate faster in kickdown mode that the average stick shifter, and it may have a comparable fuel efficiency nowadays, but I hate automatic transmission with a fiery passion as for me, they always shift too late or too soon. Sure, you'll have to learn how a particular brand/model detects your intentions (how far to push the throttle to make it upshift or where to hover so it accelerates but doesn't downshift), and it's nice when in busy traffic so you won't have to shift gears like 1-2-3-2-3-2-1-2-3 over a kilometer,
Jun 3, 2022 21:19
@Fattie it's okay to leave a question alone if you don't know the answer. My question is not about that style difference, that would be a question for you if you posted that style difference as an answer. My question here also has nothing to do with closing time, as in one instance we were actually seated by the waitress who started putting down glasses and cutlery, and when we mentioned we just wanted a coffee, she snatched the glasses away and sent us away, stating they were not a bar. I have no idea what you have against me or this question, but it's clear you don't have the answer.
Jun 3, 2022 21:19
@Fattie ok, so it took a few comments, but now your stance is "they wish to have a certain look and style", as opposed to "they were closed". If that's your answer, please post it as such so people can comment and vote on it. I for one wonder what look and style differs between a person having had lunch and enjoying a coffee, and a person just having coffee. You appear to be neither French nor someone in the hospitality industry, so I also wonder the source you've got for that claim. Thanks!
Jun 3, 2022 21:19
@Fattie my question is not about machines being shut off. It is about why restaurant waiters feel the need to explain why they "are not a bar". If you don't understand that distinction and insist explaining things to me that I myself can deduce (and already have), just stop trying to answer a question that I did not ask, please.
Jun 3, 2022 21:19
Thanks, sounds reasonable and informative! Can you elaborate on "restaurants not doing limonade", as I'm asking in my question as well: do you know why there is this strict distinction? I'm not talking high-end here, but like folding chairs and paper placemats restaurants refusing to seat us even when we explicitly ask for just coffee. Why won't they serve us a drink, why must we eat as well? Where does that principle come from and why do they adhere to it so rigidly, if they can earn like six euros in one minute of work, while there are empty seats and idle waiters?
Oct 14, 2021 11:00
@Ivo Adobe would like you to believe differently: "Trademarks are not verbs. Correct: The image was enhanced using Adobe® Photoshop® software. Incorrect: The image was photoshopped.". Not sure whether they're going for the Streisand Effect there though.
Jan 31, 2020 16:32
@VLAZ sure, but that you've experienced it once doesn't make it less likely for me. It's not like the programming languages you know are the only thing that define you as a software developer.
Jan 31, 2020 16:32
@VLAZ sure, but someone who has five years of professional experience isn't likely to apply for a junior role just because it's a different language.
Jan 30, 2020 17:04
@David but again, that you make that choice like that tells us nothing! What are you looking for, people who can pump out simple, low-traffic websites, or people who optimize a package sorting system or a developer to write self-driving car systems? Different fields require different backgrounds, and being "self-taught" in a programming language and having three years of experience in programming doesn't tell me how a person thinks.
Jan 30, 2020 17:04
@Nelson of course. And I agree. I'm just stumped at the support for the "degrees are overrated, because I know decent degreeless developers". Yes, and I know plenty of degreeless developers who I don't want working on anything else but read-only web applications. The N=x responses cancel each other out on such a question, don't they?
Jan 30, 2020 17:04
Oh all these N=1 (or N=2) responses... I've seen more "self-taught" one-trick ponies who couldn't program their way out of a wet bag (but hey, they could churn out Wordpress sites by the dozen and amaze managers with CSS animations) than I've seen properly educated developers who couldn't write maintainable software. There you have it, another N=whatever response.
Jan 8, 2020 09:38
@Szabolcs wow, what a nice strawman. Denying something that smells off in all possible ways definitely isn't representative for "never wanting to help anyone out" and "Western values". You could turn that around say that chances are quite high they're being lured into doing something illegal. They don't know the sender, nor the recipient, nor the actual product to be delivered, which probably will already be "conveniently" packed up and wrapped in tape.
Oct 29, 2019 07:25
"any software you have legally installed can be used as you see fit" - if I have purchased a single-user license for some sort of application, I am not allowed to share/expose/wrap/... that installed software so more than one user can use it, if the EULA/license agreement forbids so. This answer is confusing to say the least.

 Documentation Beta

Everything is on fire and broken
Dec 23, 2015 12:07
This thing's a bit dead, innit? I've got the next week off, will try to write some more.
Nov 20, 2015 14:14
Nov 20, 2015 14:13
otherwise it's all pretty abstrac
Nov 20, 2015 14:13
@LorenzoDematté yeah that's what held me back at the start, but we'd better just write anything and let the discusison/voting begin
Nov 20, 2015 14:03
@LorenzoDematté we're all in it together! Start using the system, document your observations (as you did) :)
Nov 20, 2015 13:36
@LorenzoDematté hi Lorenzo, welcome
Nov 20, 2015 13:33
Also note my comment under your current proposal: :)
Nov 20, 2015 13:32
Apparently you didn't see the rejection either
Nov 20, 2015 13:32
I also noted in that question "As a sidenote, where do rejected proposals go?"
Nov 20, 2015 13:31
@Konamiman the rejecter was me, see…
Nov 16, 2015 10:13
@MauriceStam yeah I hear the occasional cricket
Nov 12, 2015 11:15
Nov 12, 2015 11:15
For moderation purposes: please display reject reasons up fron. A reviewer before you might have seen something that you missed, causing you to accept an invalid or incomplete suggestion.
Nov 11, 2015 20:48
Nov 11, 2015 20:48
Q: What needs improvement?

James ThorpeSomething needs to be improved around here! I just don't know what:

Nov 11, 2015 20:47
Playtime's over, time for bed. I'll see what you made of it tomorrow. Good job and good luck
Nov 11, 2015 20:42
What happens to your input when you downvote?
Nov 11, 2015 20:36
@Carlos just refresh the badges list and wait till you see who earned it :P
Nov 11, 2015 20:35
Yes please @James
Nov 11, 2015 20:33
@Jarrod of course. Thanks
Nov 11, 2015 20:31
Nov 11, 2015 20:31
Is the whitespace left of the body also intentional?
Nov 11, 2015 20:13
I flagged a post, yet my flag list is empty on my profile. Intentional?
Nov 11, 2015 19:59
I can vote on my own example. +1 ALL the things
Nov 11, 2015 19:56
But now I can't find anymore where I read that
Nov 11, 2015 19:56
2 approvals required
Nov 11, 2015 19:49
Ah, there it is. :P
Nov 11, 2015 19:48
If I'm gonna ask why my bug question doesn't show up in the question list, you're probably going to blame caching, right? :P
Nov 11, 2015 19:44
I "accidentally" rejected Daniel's O-) Now that vote is final as usual I guess/
Nov 11, 2015 19:43
Nov 11, 2015 19:43
Yeah you're right, thanks :)
Nov 11, 2015 19:40
I submitted my first .NET draft :D Now where can I find it?
Nov 11, 2015 19:40