
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Mar 4, 2023 17:08
where A' is normalised over the columns or rows
Mar 4, 2023 17:07
is there a bound relating the eigenvalues of a matrix A and the normalised matrix A'
May 17, 2022 19:08
@TedShifrin Hey, yea it is meant to be a summation on both sides.
May 17, 2022 13:09
Hi! is there an easy way to simplify $c_i = a_i \cdot (b_0 + b_1 \dots + b_n) + b_i \cdot (a_0 + a_1 \dots a_n)$ where $ i < n $.
Mar 2, 2022 19:15
that is true it is just element wise operations
Mar 2, 2022 19:15
oh yea im being silly
Mar 2, 2022 19:13
ok cool thanks
Mar 2, 2022 19:13
yea element-wise product
Mar 2, 2022 19:11
Hey maybe a silly qn but, can you expand out a matrix equation like (A - I) o (A - I) where o is the hadamard product and A, I are matrices?
Mar 11, 2021 12:34
Hey, how can I express a matrix rotation as a vector x matrix operation? So with an input matrix A (NxN), flattening it to a vector 1xN^2 and then multiplying it by an (N^2 x N^2) transformation matrix and then reshaping the result back to NxN
as in what form would the N^2 x N^2 matrix have for say rotation theta.

So say I wanted to rotate a 3x3 matrix (A) by 90 degrees. For some specific reasons, I want to express this rotation as vec^-1(vec(A).T) where vec just converts A to a 9x1 vector and vec^-1 reshapes it back to a 3x3. I can manually find the values of T to do a specific rotation,
May 21, 2015 11:49
hi, bit of a random question but has the reimmann hypothesis been proved yet?

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Oct 30, 2021 20:55
Hey guys, I was wondering if $K=(xy + c)^d$ is every positive semi-definite in the case where $c < 0$? As in, if some conditions were imposed on $x$ and $y$?