Something like $n_{p} = no. of parameters$ and $n_e = no. of independent variables$, then number of equations is equal to $n_{p} - n_{e}$, or something like that.
How do I prove that solution is $y^2 = xz$ and $xy = z$, -- (eq. 1) but not just $y^2 = xz$ -- (eq. 2). Since the second one also satisfies the required condition.
So basically my question is establishing both ways equality between parametrised equation and cartesian coordinates curve, how do I ensure they are indeed equal.
There is one paper that discusses the Weierstrass substitution in symbolic integration but "not" specifically in terms of Risch algorithm, this one
Does anyone know of a manuscript that discusses "Weierstrass substitution"(also called tangent half angle substitution) in terms of the Risch algorithm?
Is $\theta = \exp(\frac{1}{\log(x)})$ an element of $F = C(x)(t_1, t_2, ..., t_n)$ where $C$ is the constant field and $t_i$'s are monomials over $C(x)(t_1, ... t_{i - 1})$, for each $i$.
@TobiasKildetoft what I think rational solution space means here is: just the rational linear combination of $f_i$'s i.e $\sum_{i=1}^{n} r_i f_i$ where $r_i \in \mathbb{Q}$ (i.e for all rational values of $r_i$'s).
@TobiasKildetoft This is a line from a comment I received in a discussion: "The task is to find those linear relations where the coefficients $r_i$ are rational numbers. The computation depends on the existence of some basis over $\mathbb{Q}$ but the result should be a matrix of rational entries ($r_i$'s) such that the rational relations ($\sum_{i=1}^{n} r_i f_i$) are exactly the elements of the rational solution space of the matrix."
That $f_i$'s are elements of the type $\frac{a(x)}{b(x)}$ where $a(x)$, $b(x)$ are polynomials in variable $x$ where coefficients of $x$ are elements of $K$?
Till now I have often come across the terms "over a field" in case of algebraic structures like fields. Can you point me to some link where I can see its usage and meaning?
And now consider a field $$\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt 2, \sqrt3)$$ which is equivalent to $$\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt 2 + \sqrt3)$$ (is it?), and the extension $$\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt 2 + \sqrt3)$$ is a simple extension, so its equivalent extension should also be simple.
To be true, I didn't thought it to find in something for permutations. But after you sent me the link, I thought the term "cyclic" should have made me to look for it, even in the permutations related search results.