Jun 21, 2021 13:50
@GWarner I think I will try the metal ones, not the plastic ones.
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@jay613 I am located in Ontario / Canada. This is not an air conditioner, we do not have an air conditioner. We have radiators in the apartment. Heating is not on these days since weather is warm, it only turned on at nights a few days ago.
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@jay613 Thank you, I will.
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@dandavis Very good idea, I will check if there are any colons, walls I can use.
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
I know where the device is where you set the target temperature (it is in the building hallway) but I do not know where the actual sensor is that reads the temperature. And playing with the wires I definitely do not want to. I think you can still provide your idea as an answer and get upvotes already and I can mark it as accepted once I test it. If you see my Stackoverflow profile I do not leave my questions unaccepted and I mostly upvote any answer for the effort and the time person committed (unless it is just plain wrong). @MonkeyZeus
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@MonkeyZeus I will try setting the thermostat up but if the really hot weather (~30 degrees) comes before I can get these, I might not be able to start the furnace. I am not planning on attaching weights to those clamps, but rather attaching 4 of them to add 1 kilo in total to the rattling piece. (Each is around 250 gr according to the product page)
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@MonkeyZeus Sure, will do. But since it is summer time now, the furnace does not kick on very often. Yesterday it did since it was a bit cold. I think I will try 4 of these: amazon.ca/gp/product/B00004TRCD
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@MonkeyZeus Thank you very much, I also thought maybe the clamping bars will already solve it with their own weight (hopefully). I will try this as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and your advise.
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@MonkeyZeus Thank you, I will try this. I was trying to find a way to attach some weights, trigger clamps can work. Maybe I can put the weight in between and attach these instead of hanging the weights? Like making the weight a sandwich between clamps and the rattling part? Would you have weight suggestions too that I can try?
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@MonkeyZeus It is extremely dirty to attach anything to the ceiling. I would be happier if I could stop that piece from moving so much thus making the rattling noise. It just seems like it needs new screws or some tightening. Or maybe I can somehow attach a weight to it so that it does not rattle..
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@MonkeyZeus It is going outside like an exhaust. There is also some sort of pump there. But I think (again I have zero experience) that is the inner tube that is carrying the steam, but the rattling noise is coming from the bigger cone shaped piece that I put my stick on, it is more like a cover to the inner pipe (I think), hence it is not warm.
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@MonkeyZeus Yes, I will try complaining again.. I know there won't be any outcomes but if it is my only option, that is what I will do..
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@crip659 It is definitely coming through the floor.
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@MonkeyZeus Yes, ok.. I will try to find an HVAC contractor.. I will maybe just get a possible solution from the contractor and contact my landlord after letting them know and hoping that they pay.. The noise is very annoying especially at night.
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@crip659 I see.. Unfortunately I have a contract so I cannot move until next summer. I will have to live with noise it seems..
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@MonkeyZeus It is not hot, I can easily touch it. The tube inside, I do not know, maybe hot. I never checked it. The rattling noise comes from that part that looks like a cone and that one is not hot.
Jun 19, 2021 02:03
@crip659 Landlord is not being cooperative unfortunately and not taking any action for this problem. I need to find a practical solution myself.
Aug 5, 2019 23:38
Thank you, you too!
Aug 5, 2019 23:30
I do not know, for some reason the 3rd option seems more consistent and concise to me. But thanks for the discussion, it was very helpful for me.
Aug 5, 2019 23:16
Probably I'm wrong, I'm usually wrong .
Aug 5, 2019 23:16
I see your point. Honestly to me the last version is the cleanest. Can't tell why though. It is more consistent.
Aug 5, 2019 23:09
Why would we then not want the same for deepest found as in pastebin.com/vDgfgApW ? (I am trying to share ideas, not challenge you)
Aug 5, 2019 23:09
Since we kind of moved away from a strict recursion and holding state in a variable, I think we do not need to pass the currentLevel to traverse. Something like this: pastebin.com/4k5N8vVw
Aug 5, 2019 23:09
Sorry, I mean like this: pastebin.com/FVWPhShT
Aug 5, 2019 23:09
I see, thank you. Makes sense.
Aug 5, 2019 23:09
When do you attach a property to an object in JavaScript? In which cases? (The way I attach property depth for example..)
Apr 22, 2019 11:57
@GeoffreyBrent You are not applying doublethink I am afraid. It is a how-to and a warning, in the same time.
Apr 22, 2019 11:57
I guess people downvoting this answer never read 1984 and never heard about Mutability of the past.
Nov 23, 2018 00:27
@PierreArlaud No, I am suggesting him a compact meditation. A way that will help him be to be rational. Remind yourself why you are there. Talk to yourself, looking in your eyes. Helps me everytime, it is just a suggestion. No harm in trying I think.
Nov 23, 2018 00:27
@PierreArlaud Going to the restroom, washing your face with cold water and convincing yourself that you are in a workplace and you must focus on work and nothing else by talking silenty to yourself looking in your eyes in the mirror is out of line? How come?
Nov 23, 2018 00:27
Brother, we all been there. You know what to do just as we did. Hit the restroom and flush those feelings.
Apr 22, 2017 10:21
Add unit tests..
Nov 21, 2016 19:56
Just take it easy, no one will gain anything if you make this person fail..
Oct 8, 2016 02:57
You mean.. "but the jobs I apply for want experience in all kinds of technologies that I'm NOT exposed to at work." ?
Mar 5, 2015 08:17
@babou I am too tired right now, I will check this thread tomorrow. But please see my latest edit in my question.
Mar 5, 2015 08:17
@babour Sorry I am confused now, are you saying that Morse Code indeed is binary?
Mar 5, 2015 08:17
Ok thank you for your response. Although I must say it is still not clear to me. I still think Morse Code is ternary, because I can easily say 102102210 where I just said: AA A. I needed 3 different types of information piece. Anyway maybe it is me who is having trouble understanding, thanks for the help. I will probably have an "a-ha" moment tomorrow or so..
Mar 5, 2015 08:17
'Regarding binary system, I meant when considering only individual letters' Why would I consider only individual letters? You can also say Morse Code is ternary considering only letters AND inter-character pause. I think I need to consider the system as a whole.
Mar 5, 2015 08:16
@JasonC Ok thank you for your answer.
Mar 5, 2015 08:16
@JasonC Can we say that the quotation I make from the book is also a false information?
Mar 5, 2015 08:16
Yes you can 'represent' Morse Code in any -nery but what IS Morse Code itself? I am not asking how you would represent in Morse Code in 57-ary.
Mar 5, 2015 08:16
@JasonC How can a defined code be opinion based?
Feb 4, 2015 13:01
You should introduce bugs that appear based on System Time so you can drive testers totally crazy which will boost their morale even higher.