takedown requester: hey, take X,Y,Z down. takedown requestee: X never existed, Y hasn't existed in years, and Z has nothing to do with you. takedown requester: I SAID TAKE IT DOWN.
file headers, footers, sigs, exif, strings, etc. there will be a pattern in the cleartext, and a well made oracle can find it if it's there. i made a crappy oracle as an undergrad. imagine what the guys in the big leagues have
i don't see the practical case of someone encrypting random binary data. if we are talking practical crypto, there will be patterns in the plaintext that can be analyzed
I don't get how a n00b like me can do some crypto challenges and bruteforce classic crypto, but dude saying it's impossibru is going down as the definitive word in that thread
You absolutely can tell with varying degrees of certainty if a file, or even string, was successfully decrypted. Most of the challenges at cryptopals depend on it. I have begun to make a tool for ciphertext bruteforce and analysis that automates this very task. You can find it here if you want to...