Purple Monkey

Mar 11, 2021 12:04
Why do you feel the need to make them roll for cantrips? If you and a couple of the players are new to D&D 5e then why confuse things even more by changing the rules? Of course DMs are free to do what they like and the rules don't have to be set in stone but I'm curious as to the reason behind the change. Also, did you have a session 0 with your group to discuss any changes and did everyone agree to them? If not then TBH I can kinda see why some players might be upset by this.
Mar 3, 2021 16:29
"How should I rule Inspiring Leader" appears to be asking us to create a houserule for you and as SevenSidedDie answers "“Give me your experience with homebrew armour rules” is not a question that would survive on the main site. It's a poll...". As NautArch stated we need to know that actual problem and the question needs to ask about that problem.
Mar 3, 2021 16:29
@Opifex it's not that homebrew isn't answered here by default or isn't an acceptable answer to a question, it well and truely is and we even do homebrew reviews, it's just that we don't handle question asking us to create the homebrew. See How do we ask for homebrew suggestions? and 'Homebrew a class for me' questions.
Mar 3, 2021 16:29
We also don't do "homebrew (or in this case houserule) this for me" type questions so I'm not 100% sure that the question in its current form is something that can be suitably answered on this site. I could be wrong and I am about to head to bed but I will leave my close vote for now, let other members of the community cast their votes and we'll see where things go from there.
Dec 29, 2020 13:57
Jul 10, 2020 13:17
This comment thread/discussion is getting a bit long now so I would encourage you to join chat or ask on Role-playing Games Meta about how to workshop the question and I’ll flag the mods for comment clean up then leave it up to the community. Good luck and I hope the question gets reopened (after some work) and answered.
Jul 10, 2020 13:17
@Kirt "check my solution" isn't discouraged but often times yeah, people ask about their solution to the problem rather than asking about the problem itself so we encourage them to ask about the problem instead. "How can the lycans survive this encounter given the vampire spawn’s “superiority”" with a self-answer of "with these tactics", then waiting for other answers, would be fine if you believe "these tactics" would solve the problem and depending on what “meat” you want to keep in the question’s body text. The important thing, though, is to state/explain the problem directly.
Jul 10, 2020 13:17
Re: problem 1: that may be an XY problem. If the problem is that you're worried about the vamps wiping out the lycans then you may be better served by asking how to solve that problem rather than trying to work out the optimal combat tactics. Of course, if optimal combat tactics is what you want then by all means ask about that. But yes, as Akixkisu stated, you might want to workshop the question in Role-playing Games Chat or even ask on Role-playing Games Meta how this question could be "Stackable".
Jul 10, 2020 13:17
Re:problem 2: If you're having trouble understanding combat mechanics then you need to ask specifically about that (in another post). Questions here work best when they focus on one problem at a time. Otherwise things get too confused and it's difficult to focus on providing the best answer to the problem.
Jun 15, 2020 23:54
Please read the meta post linked in NautArch's comment. Follow-ups should be posted as a new question after a few days and playtested first.
Apr 8, 2020 14:07
@Christopher and it's great that you want to help, it really is, but comments aren't the place for answers, period. If it does get reopened and someone does answer it before you then that's just too bad, there'll be plenty of other questions to answer. As for the obviously being an answer that is also version agnostic then sometimes, yes, but most no. Different versions have different rules and are essentially different games. The way it's ruled in one edition may be different to how it's ruled in another so we need to know what rules we're looking at to give a proper answer.
Apr 8, 2020 14:07
@Christopher read the linked meta. Comments aren't the place for answers. You just have to waiting until the question gets reopened to answer it.
Apr 8, 2020 14:07
What edition of D&D are you asking about?
May 23, 2019 22:50
@Eternallord66 also, for what it's worth, if there CR you've come out with seems like it's even higher that a Tarrasque then there's a reason for that. A Level 20 PC does not equal a CR 20 NPC. PCs and NPCs are built differently so trying to turn a PC into a NPC generally isn't going to work out as well as you might hope, especially if you're new to this kind of stuff. See: Are there guidelines for party stats by CR? and the related links
Dec 6, 2018 22:41
I'm voting to put this on hold as unclear as I feel you've now introduced a new element that should probably be asked as a seperate question and it appears from comments that things are getting even more muddied and need to be workshopped, probably on Role-playing Games Meta. Whether "GWF re-rolls would be applicable to sneak attack damage" seems like a completely seperate issue to whether Sneak Attack is considered magic damage.
Jul 28, 2018 00:52
Whereas "I'm looking for a system that allows the kind of fun thing that happened in this post. What kind of system allows this kind of whimsical play?" is much more useful because it provides context as to why you're looking for a system that allows the kind of thing that seems like it's completely made up or DM fiat but is off-topic as a shopping question.
Jul 28, 2018 00:52
"Random query" was probably the wrong way to word that. Look at it this way, "what system allows what happened in this entirely random internet post that's probably made up or completely DM fiat?" doesn't seem very helpful (to you or future readers) because the random internet post is likely made up or DM fiat (I know the post was just as an example but it really seems like a big focus of that question).
Jul 28, 2018 00:21
You are correct, you don't need to be playing the game you're asking about or solving a problem (although that certainly does help) but as written the question seems quite arbitrary. Stating why you want to identify a system that allows this is extremely helpful in providing context and shows it's not just a random query. Although in this case, yes, it would be off-topic as a shopping question.
Jul 28, 2018 00:21
Exactly, so what makes you think there is a system that allows this to happen according to RAW, without special DM ruling, that relates specifically to that post, and, again, what problem is being solved by this question? If the post is just nonsense the DM rolled with, what is the actual point of finding a system that allows this by RAW? Are you intending to play this system? Does it directly relate to a game you're playing?
Jul 28, 2018 00:21
Is there any reason you think this isn't just completely made-up nonsense for the sake of a "good" internet story or simply the DM taking a natural 20 "too far" so to speak? What makes you think this is RAW and what problem is being solved by this question?
May 5, 2018 00:33
I feel like this might be a bit of an XY problem. What problem are you trying to solve with this question? It seems as if the end goal is to be able to create a variety of different qualities of material (as in your example "armor fashioned of various animal hides"). Might I suggest asking about that instead of trying to bring the real word into the fantasy word in this manner. I'm not sure this question as asked is suited for the SE format.
Mar 19, 2018 04:51
Again, there's a spell that does exactly that.
Mar 19, 2018 04:51
There's a spell that achieves the exact result you're looking for. Is there a reason this spell is insufficient for the task?

 TRPG General Chat

Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games. Anyone can ask...
Aug 2, 2017 09:10
@doppelgreener Ah, excellent, thank you. I thinking of raising a meta about it soon but I guess now I don't have to :,D
Apr 29, 2016 01:31
@BESW Hello!
Jun 12, 2015 11:20
D&D 4e a.k.a "D&D: superpowers" as my group liked to call it
Jun 12, 2015 10:18
@Sandwich Go into the edit history scroll down to the revision you want it to revert to and click rollback
Jun 12, 2015 09:55
I don't understand why this edit was approved. There is no below 0 HP and they're not unconscious and stable when they do drop to 0 HP. Unless that's part of the starter kit?
May 4, 2015 23:51
So it still probably would have been better to leave it to the asker, just in case. I'll keep that in mind than
May 4, 2015 23:40
Am I jumping the gun by added a system tag to this question?
Feb 3, 2015 22:44
@BESW Oh, haha, thanks for letting me know. I'm learning new things about the site everyday.
Feb 3, 2015 22:39
We try to avoid this type of Q&A and narrow down the scope because unlike, say, a forum, we require suggestions to be backed up with experience as outlined in the Good subjective, Bad subjective link
Feb 3, 2015 22:39
As I stated in my comment there are a lot of adventures within the current scope of the question and anyone can just google "fun, short dnd adventures between levels 1 and 3" and produce a long list as an answer.
Feb 3, 2015 22:35
@JohnP Regarding his comment/suggestion to reopen this question. Figured I might try to explain why it was closed as too broad in chat rather than in comments.
Feb 3, 2015 22:23
@Escoce Whether you like it/think they're fair or not, RPG.SE has rules, as outlined in the help center and perhaps in more detail in over on meta. And as stated in the game-recommendation link, these types of questions require a narrower scope of what the asker is looking for.
Jan 28, 2015 22:24
@mxyzplk I'm open to suggestions on what could be cut out of my question. I guess it could probably do without the middle section and just be left as the top two paragraphs and the section about Animate Object :)
Jan 27, 2015 11:03
@Miniman I know that now :p
Jan 27, 2015 11:01
@BESW Not yet, was busy trying to understand wth this question was actually asking.
Jan 27, 2015 10:47
What does it mean when a user's name is greyed out on their question? Does it mean their account has been deleted? Looking at this question for reference.
Jan 15, 2015 02:27
@Miniman I assume that would be too significant an edit/almost a complete reversal of my original idea
Jan 15, 2015 02:26
Ok so basically I'm looking to change the second part of my answer to "In this case, based on SevenSidedDie's answer, the trigger is when the attack roll is made against you, so similar to the first case you'd have to spend your luck point after the roll but before you are told it's result. In a worst case scenario (if your DM rolls, determines the result, then tells you you're the target before you have a chance to respond) you could call for a do-over." Or something to that effect.
Jan 15, 2015 01:59
Hey guys. Is it inappropriate to change part of your answer to incorporate part of someone else's that makes a lot more sense? Looking at this question at the moment. I did see @SevenSidedDie's comment before it was deleted but it was late night and had been a long day so I went to bed before bothering to change anything, figuring I'd deal with it tomorrow (today).
Dec 24, 2014 12:42
I though about using masking tape initially, but once you've gone over with a marker it doesn't rub off, so it's hard to define the borders you're trying to draw
Dec 24, 2014 11:43
Unfortunately I don't have access to a laminater. Thankfully though, I don't use the whiteboard for anything else, so scoring might just work
Dec 24, 2014 11:39
I have a general question that might not be worth making a thread about. Does anyone have a better way to grid a whiteboard? I'm using permanent marker at the moment but it just gets erased along with the sharpie and it's a pain in the butt to constantly re-rule the lines.
Nov 20, 2014 04:20