Feb 6, 2024 13:50
I can't imagine a gas station nailing a sign to a metal refrigerated cabinet.
Feb 5, 2024 23:18
@Fizz The Cecil William fountain sign is the bold Times New Roman, not the ordinary Times New Roman. Higher resolutions images would help. I can't make any firm conclusions.
Feb 5, 2024 01:18
@Fizz these is other well-documented ones: loc.gov/pictures/item/95502261 loc.gov/pictures/item/2017717046 (plus this one in the OP loc.gov/pictures/item/00650612)
Feb 5, 2024 01:18
@Fizz I'm not saying the font didn't exist. I'm just saying that in my experience, even in the 1970s, signs didn't usually look like that. And if the video is from 1954 then that's excellent evidence that I'm wrong.
Feb 5, 2024 01:18
@Fizz that's ridiculous slander. I said "Usually the signs would say "white" without "only" ". And that the font doesn't look like signs from the '50 and '60s. Not that the font didn't exist in books or somewhere. I'm asking if the video is from 1954. If the video is from 1954 that's good evidence that there were similar signs in similar font back in the day.
Feb 5, 2024 01:18
@Fizz is the video from 1954? Cool if it is.
Feb 5, 2024 01:18
@Fizz that's a photo from a modern museum, not a historic photo
Feb 5, 2024 01:18
The font on the sign doesn't look like '50s or '60s. Usually the signs would say "white" without "only". This seems much more authentic: agallery.com/product/…
Nov 30, 2023 01:24
@AmirRiazi her cousin Liam Adam made a statement: "Hamas just published more propaganda of my family. .... They released a note that they say my cousin daniele wrote. In the note, she thanks them for being so gracious and kind to her and Amelia while they fucking kept her captive in a tunnel???? This is propaganda. Unfortunately I know many out there will try to use this in Hamas’ defense. Don’t believe them!”

 Hub of Reason

General discussion about skeptics.stackexchange.com
Dec 19, 2022 23:08
@Oddthinking thanks, haven't been very active the past year or so, but occasionally I still stop by :)
Aug 17, 2022 21:01
@Nat moderator edited it to say that I totally agreed with Biden and I was at the hospital and didn't want to mess with it so I just deleted it. I might restore the answer eventually and explain that month over month change in CPI-U is not a good measure of inflation for policy purposes, because it is very noisy and isn't about inflation for the whole economy. Without food and energy, it is better.
Aug 16, 2022 21:19
moderator edited it and I was at the hospital and didn't want to mess with it so I just deleted it
Aug 16, 2022 01:34
@csstudent1418 basically I’m trying to partially agree with you that there can be a bias towards small values if units are wrong or not made clear. On the other hand, 0% is a bad example to bring out the issue, because zero is zero in all units.
Aug 16, 2022 01:34
@csstudent1418 the one month change was -0.012%. The annualized rate is approximately 12 times this, so -0.144% , or more properly (1-1.00012^12) x 100% = -0.1441%. You can avoid bias towards zero for arbitrarily short time intervals by expressing in % per time interval (such as per second, per day, per year). Inflation is a rate and should have "per time interval" units.
Aug 16, 2022 03:08
@user3067860 it goes back to February 1947 here: data.bls.gov/timeseries/CUSR0000SA0&output_view=pct_1mth You might have to change the date range at the top beside the words "Change Output Options"
Aug 16, 2022 03:08
@csstudent1418 We agree that the difference quotient was zero for that month. I do not agree that is the "change of inflation". The difference quotient of price corresponds to the average inflation over the given time period. Change in inflation would be the second derivative of price.
Aug 16, 2022 03:08
@csstudent1418 you need to take calculus again. "We define inflation as the rate of increase of the price level. It is therefore the first derivative of the price level P with respect to time, t. We express this mathematically as dP/dt." coppolacomment.com/2021/05/….
Aug 16, 2022 03:08
@csstudent1418 it's the part where you say "inflation of inflation" that is incorrect. Inflation is: limit of ((change in price)/(time interval)) as time interval approaches zero. If the interval is one month, that would really be average inflation over one month. If the interval is one year, then that is average inflation over one year.
Aug 16, 2022 03:08
@csstudent1418 incorrect, the definition of 1st derivative with respect to time is necessarily as the time interval approaches zero.
Aug 16, 2022 03:08
@csstudent1418 Inflation is by definition a rate of change. Blood alcohol level is not a rate of change. ("Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time") imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/basics/…. Inflation is the first derivative of prices (or, by pre-1940 definitions, of money supply rather than prices).
Aug 16, 2022 03:08
@csstudent1418 I agree with Biden more than Fox. One popular measure of inflation, the month over month change in CPI-U, was zero from June to July. This is not the measure that the Fed uses. The Fed focuses more on PCE based inflation measures dallasfed.org/research/pce Thinking of inflation in terms of change in money supply, policy makers look to price indexes without the volatile food and energy components. The July CPI report is more consistent with 3.6% inflation (0.3 % one-month change w/o food and energy) but neither Fox nor Biden explains that.
Jun 10, 2022 14:12
" Standard magazines held five rounds, but 10- and even 15-rounders were made for law enforcement and military work." americanrifleman.org/content/…
May 13, 2022 12:34
@wizzwizz4 this auajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1016/S0022-5347%2817%2971622-9 1939 article seems relevant.
May 13, 2022 12:34
what is the source for "The article reports that David fathered a daughter with his wife"? What article?
Oct 10, 2021 20:03
@ChesterMiller for gases it's a small difference, but for solutes it can be significant
Oct 10, 2021 20:03
@ChesterMiller The standard state of a gas isn't the pure gas at 1 bar, it is the fictitious state of the pure gas at 1 bar behaving ideally.
Oct 10, 2021 20:03
@user466672 It exists in a mathematical sense, but not in a physical sense.
Oct 10, 2021 20:03
A reaction vessel generally can't be prepared with all the substances in the standard state, because the standard states for gases and solutions are fictitious states.
Apr 1, 2021 00:53
@matt_black second link in question isn't working
Mar 23, 2021 14:33
This seems to be a more recent decision in the case: bccourts.ca/jdb-txt/ca/20/00/2020BCCA0011.htm
Mar 23, 2021 14:33
One source says he was arrested because "a warrant was issued by a judge earlier this month for telling the public his name and showing his face" christianpost.com/news/…
Jan 17, 2021 14:08
@Fizz he has at least 3 twitter accounts and retweets from one to another. But there is video of his armed protest at the Utah state capitol, so he does have actual followers.
Jan 17, 2021 01:54
@Oddthinking On twitter Sullivan started at least by 29 December recruiting people to come to DC for the January 6th rally, but saying "against fascism" and using antifa and fucktrump hashtags. Then on the 2nd he tweeted a video of what he described as right and left protestor joining together to stomp on a pro-police blue American flag. On the 3rd he retweeted a video of Proud Boys burning a Blue Lives Matter Flag.
Jan 17, 2021 00:22
@Oddthinking Thanks for the editing. My estimate is Insurgence USA has about 30-40 members based upon their Utah protest attendance. He is also the leader of the Black Fist Coalition. It has a facebook page, but I'm afraid to go to it. He physically helped and encourged people before entering the capitol, but I don't have any evidence that he orchestrated prior to that day. Maybe he just had a Bridge of the River Kwai experience when he got to the protest.
Jan 16, 2021 23:41
@Oddthinking but the conclusion in the answer is "Sullivan is the only anti-Trump person who helped orchestrate the storming". The whole point is that he is the one and only known exception. He didn't orchestrate it all by himself, but he "helped" orchestrate. And the answer doesn't say he is "BLM" or "leftist", it just says he is anti-Trump.
Jan 16, 2021 23:41
@Oddthinking Sullivan's own brother said "He incited violence" and that Sullivan has tried working with Proud Boys before. sltrib.com/news/politics/2021/01/16/robert-gehrke-what-we Don't blindly trust politifact. Sullivan played a role inciting others to attack the capitol, not a huge role. Sullivan has been calling for a revolution on his organization's website for months. Even though he is anti-Trump, he is more anti-police (who he calls "blue pigs") and anti-government. So the capitol storming was consistent with his goals.
Jan 16, 2021 23:41
@Schmuddi obviously it's in the title and the question, but the claim itself doesn't say "left". So "left" is just a word that the person asking the question inserted themselves without any support in the claim. Questions are supposed to correspond to the claim.
Jan 16, 2021 23:41
@Schmuddi I'll delete "leftist", since "leftist" is so vague.
Jan 16, 2021 23:41
@Schmuddi the organization's website that you won't visit says "Insurgence USA was started in 2020 in response to the Gorge Floyd tragedy. The lack of care for the human life was unacceptable so we set out to end police brutality. "
Jan 16, 2021 23:41
@Schmuddi ok, I added.
Jan 16, 2021 23:41
@Schmuddi Also, the OP claim doesn't mention "left" at all, it just says "fascist ANTIFAs, not Trump supporters". The Insurgence USA site also says Sullivan is the founder of the "Black Fist Coalition". This August 2020 news article and video mentions both Sullivan's organizations, when he was in an armed protest at the Utah state capitol. In the August instance he said he was armed to protect himself from other militia groups, but then seemed to have a joint protest with a white militia group. kslnewsradio.com/1932248/…
Jan 16, 2021 23:41
@Juhasz I don't want to exaggerate his contribution, but he went beyond just participating by leading others, as evidence by statements such as "There are so many people. Let’s go. ", "Let’s burn this shit down", telling the police "giving us the building", saying “Haul that motherfucker out this bitch.”, “Why don’t we go in there", “That’s what I’m sayin’, break that shit” and repeatedly telling police officers to go home.
Jan 16, 2021 23:30
@Oddthinking I just made a general comment about Stack Exchange. Fox News attracts a certain audience. Salem Radio Network News attracts a certain audience. Stack Exchange attracts a certain audience. Here, if the audience doesn't like the question, it is downvoted and/or closed. Free speech, nothing wrong with it.
Jan 16, 2021 23:30
@AndrewGrimm All the media outlets are biased in one direction or another. Stack Exchange is no different. Stack Exchange founder Avram Spolsky's campaign contributions to "Swing Left", Obama, and Kerry are all public record. fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/…
Nov 4, 2020 22:25
Aside from Medicare, aren't there other ways the providers get more money for COVID? For example, there is a program to pay providers for uninsured COVID patients: "More than $1.6B has been paid and over 153,000 health care providers have enrolled in the program " as of 10/27/2020. coviduninsuredclaim.linkhealth.com
May 17, 2020 11:48
Does this answer your question? Did Stalin kill more than 10 million People?
Mar 20, 2020 17:45
@ychung Right, that's why I'm only putting it in a comment, not an answer.
Mar 20, 2020 17:45
@Oddthinking It doesn't have to be unnatural to be a bioweapon. Natural smallpox on a population like the US where people born after ~1970 were never vaccinated could definitely be used as a bioweapon. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1326439 This Nature article gives reasoning why the virus is not believed to be genetically engineered. nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0820-9
Nov 16, 2019 15:11
@plasticinsect that's how so many laws are, left up to the court system to determine the exact meaning.
Nov 16, 2019 15:11
@gerrit I can quote what the sponsor of the bill says it means, but that interpretation wouldn’t be binding in court.